Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Finding Your Own Trump Card

I have a few spiritual desires in mind that I would like to accomplish.  I also have a few bad habits that suck up the time and energy that I could be directing into my desires.  My favorite rationalization for my time-wasting habits is: "Hey, I know I really am a hard-working, compassionate person, and I like myself.  My desires are just made-up fantasies.  Maybe I'm fooling myself, and there really isn't a "deeper" level of awareness to reach.  It's just my programming that I should always be trying to improve myself."  Fortunately, I have had many experiences of being in that deeper level of awareness, and I know that is where I want to be.  Life is so much more interesting and fun that way.  I know I could be in that space more often.  

The other day I had the thought, "Maybe I don't really want to be more spiritually aware, or I would do what I need to do to get there."  This  made me mad.  I realized that every time I indulged in the energy wasting activities that I was reinforcing them and making them more real than my true desires. In psychic jargon I was "giving up my seniority" to them.  This realization was the trump card I was looking for in order to get my power back from my bad habits.

I decided to use my clairvoyance and to look at what else might have been affecting my behavior.  I saw that it wasn't that I was lazy.  Rather, there was energy in my space that wasn't mine.  In spite of being a spiritual teacher myself, there was still some agreement that Spirit is not real, "working with energy" is woo-woo, and that "stepping into my personal power" was a laughable concept!  I also saw that there were a few people who were envious of my accomplishments as a psychic and a spiritual teacher.  I immediately decided to practice what I preach, and used my basic psychic tools to clear this energy out of my space.  Then I did a healing on my communication with Spirit.  Finally, I filled up my space with my an image of a golden sun filled to overflowing with own enthusiasm for taking the steps that I needed to take to manifest my desires.

Energy Exercise:  When you are feeling stuck in a rut or are indulging in behaviors that aren't serving you. Sit in a straight-backed chair, put your feet flat on the floor, close your eyes, visualize an energetic connection to the center of the earth and put your attention in the center of your head.  Use your own clairvoyance or ask your angels or guides to show you what energy may be the underlying causes of your issues.  Even if you don't get a clear picture, you can see or feel this energy flowing down your connection to the center of the earth.  Thank your angels and fill up your space with a golden sun.

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

About That Inferior Complex You Won't Admit To

When you perceive someone as being "inferior" to you, you may just be intuitively reading how they feel about themselves.  My jargon is that you are reading their "pictures." A clairvoyant sees the energy ("vibes") people send out as visual mental image pictures.  For example, when someone is feeling insecure, you might see an image in your mind's eye of them acting nervous as they try to explain something. For those who are not aware of their clairvoyance (ability to see pictures), they might feel the nervousness.

 It's important to learn how to read people's energy and pictures from a space of neutrality. You can read people without judgment or other emotional reactions. As soon as you move from neutrality to judgment, then you are projecting your own insecurities (or shall I say "inferiorities?") onto them.  Judgment comes in the form of feeling superior and making judgments that you are better than them.  Actually, this usually happens instantaneously and automatically.  We all have programming to be judgmental.  It's a defensive mechanism.  When you are judging someone, you are looking through your pictures of whom you think they are.  Once again, you are projecting your own insecurities onto them.  These are usually traits or feelings about yourself of which you are not aware.  "Who me? I'm not a weak person, I'm strong!"   Everyone has both strengths and weaknesses.  When you don't acknowledge your weaknesses, then you have to project them onto someone else.  When you acknowledge and own your weaknesses, then you see yourself as human; and you see other people as human.  You can see that each person is on a unique spiritual path, just like you!

When you find yourself begrudging someone's achievements, or wishing them ill, you are affecting your own reality more than you are affecting them.  (Jut remember the grade school chant: "Whatever you say bounces off of me and sticks to you!"). Begrudgment and ill-will  are expressions of your own limiting beliefs.  The energy you send out into the world comes back to (haunt) you.  It is a great opportunity for stepping back and looking inward at the underlying energy and programming in your space. 

People of whom you are judgmental are your teachers!  When you can catch yourself being judgmental, again you can take a step back and ask yourself why are you feeling defensive, and what is it that you are projecting.    This can work for other "funny little feelings" that are triggered in you by other people.  "Why does this person annoy me?"; "Does this person remind me of someone who controls me?"; "Am I in competition with this person?"  By pinpointing the energy underlying your emotional reactions to people, you learn about yourself, accomplish some spiritual growth, and let go of your inferiority complex for good.