Now that I've gotten the basics out of the way, the intent of this blog is to give you a variety of short lessons on using your clairvoyance in your daily life. It might be in the form of simple meditations, energy exercises or tips of the trade. Some posts will be geared towards beginners, other posts will be quite esoteric. There may be days when I just offer some ideas to mull over regarding my take on the nature of reality. I always share with the intent of furthering spiritual awareness and peace on planet earth.
Today's lesson: The Space Around You Is Not Empty - Your Personal Space
Before you look at other people's auras, it's a good idea to have a good sense of what is going on in your own space. Sit down, put your feet flat on the floor, close your eyes and take a few deep breaths to relax. First get a sense of the size of your space. Is it dense and in close to your body, or is it scattered and open wide? I'm sure you know people who can fill up a whole room with their energy! Some of them you might admire, or some of them you might find obnoxious. Whatever size your aura is, imagine that it has a well-defined border all the way around you. Now you can experiment with pulling it in closer, or making it larger. Which makes you feel more comfortable? If you are a visual person, do you see colors or symbols? Does your energy feel chaotic, or peaceful? It is important to know what is going on in your own space because you have to know yourself well before you are able to be helpful to others. Also, other people are already psychic too! They can tell when you are feeling peaceful or chaotic. Healing your aura's energy is a lesson for another day.
Bless You! and Pray for Peace!