Actually, most of us have all got it real bad now- too much to do. Too much to keep up with. Too many commitments. Too many interests. Too much responsibility. Of course the one thing we don't have enough of is time. I catch myself thinking, "I've just got to finish this one thing, then I have to start project "X", and if I can at least start with project "Y" today, I'll feel like I'll be at a good stopping point for the day." We all know that feeling of never feeling caught up. The problem isn't that you don't have enough time. The real problem is that you have lost your space. Your aura and psychic space is filled up with your projects and your creations. On a body level, you feel smothered and overwhelmed. On a spiritual level, there's no room for you so you leave and it's like abandoning ship. Where do you go? Some people go into future time to deal with what is to come. Some people go into past time, trying to solve old problems. When you are not in your own space to take charge, then your creations run your life. You become busy with the next required action, or worse: putting out fires. The pressure to get things done causes one to turn down the feelings and go into "let's just get it done" mode. In psychic jargon, this is called "losing your seniority." Everything that you are doing has become more important than You.
When you are senior in your own space, your are the one making conscious decisions for how you want to expend your energy, time and other resources. Even if everything that you are doing are things that you want to be doing, sometimes it gets to the point where the costs exceed the benefits, or where you feel you have no choice in the matter but to carry on. This is stressful and always takes a toll. Of course, there are some long term goals that are worth the effort and stress. But when there is stress with no end or goal in sight, then any character-building benefits of long term hard work become lost under punishment. You, the Spirit, can release the stress, change your energy, and be present.
It isn't easy for the mind to let go of things into which you have put much of your time and energy. So if you aren't ready to take any physical actions to change the situation, here is an exercise to start to shift the energy and get your seniority back:
Sit in a straight-back chair, with your feet flat on the ground. Close your eyes and take a deep breath. Create, or imagine, a strong grounding cord of energy from your hips down into the center of the earth. Visualize, or just be aware of your aura around you. Let the energy all of your projects light up like little stars. Now create, imagine or visualize a cabinet with several drawers of various sized out in front of you. Allow the stars to be pulled out of your aura and be organized in the drawers. You can even put labels on the drawers. Keep your attention in your head, you don't have to follow the energy into a drawer! Now fill in the spaces where the stars were with your own Spiritual energy in the form of your favorite color. Stand up and stretch into your new space.
Enjoy Your Day,