Saturday, December 18, 2010

Have You Read a Good Book Lately?

Many people want to know if I have my students read any textbooks as part of their psychic training. Well, we use something much better than text books; real people are our books. Reading people has much in common with reading books, but it is so much more that the word “reading” just barely begins to describe it.
When you read a book, you look at symbols and pictures that are printed on a page and, hopefully, you understand what the author is trying to express. When you read a person, you look their aura and also interpret the significance of the symbols and pictures that you see there. In the first case, you use your eyes to see the symbols and your intellect to decipher what the author is trying to express. In the second case, you use your clairvoyance to see the symbols, and your intuition to glean their meaning.
There are other ways that reading books and auras are similar. Books and auras both contain a tremendous amount and variety of information and confer much wisdom and knowledge upon the readers. Many books give you a glimpse of how other people live, think and feel. So do auras!
Even though I really enjoy reading books, reading auras is much more exciting to me because it is interactive. You read the aura, you transmit the information to the readee, this information helps the readee to shift or raise their energy, which in turn helps you to raise your energy also. As the energy rises, the spiritual communication becomes deeper, and the participants feel more real and alive.
Reading certain books can help you to improve your knowledge, shift your energy, help you to be a better person, and give you a healing. When you read an aura, you communicate the information you see to your client, and you can watch as he or she receives all of these benefits right in front of you! Using your clairvoyance and clairsentience, you can see and feel the tremendous shift and healing that the readee experiences. What really puts the cherry on top of the ice cream sundae is that you, the reader, also receive the same benefits as the readee, plus the additional benefit of honing your spiritual skills of clairvoyance and spiritual communication. By honing these skills, you become more capable of communicating to the readee in a way that helps them along their spiritual path. The healing comes from the spiritual “Hello” that you give to the readee. This Hello acknowledges them as being a very capable spirit in a body. It helps them to rediscover their authentic self, and to be more aware of what and how they are creating in their lives. In other words, they take another step closer to being able to use their personal power, and come closer to owning their own spiritual freedom and truth. These are the reasons why I read auras, and why I teach other people to read auras. To paraphrase a common saying: “So many auras, so little time!”
So is your life a mystery novel, a work of fiction, a romance novel, a thriller, or a combination thereof? Get an aura reading someday soon and find out.
Exercise: Ask a friend to show you a photograph of another one of his/her friends whom you have never met.  Sit down in your private space (away from your friend), put your feet flat on the floor, take a deep breath and send a grounding cord of your energy deep into the earth.  Put your attention in the center of your head, then look at the photograph again. With certainty and without any effort,  simply write down your perceptions about the person in the picture.  Ask your friend to read what you have written and give you feedback.  You and your friend might both be surprised at what you came up with.  If you want more real practice, you're always welcome to come to one of our Reading Clinics where everyone gets a chance to participate in giving a reading, and to receive a reading.  It's the best way to get some validation for your abilities!
Enjoy Your Holidays,