Have you ever been arguing with someone and felt like he has punched you in the stomach even though he didn't physically touch you? Perhaps someone you know has just given you the "cold shoulder," along with what feels like a bucket of ice water over your head? Well, you have just been at the receiving end of an energy whack.
people who don't believe in things that can't be seen have experienced and
suffered the consequences being whacked!
How does a whack happen? What exactly
is it that the whacker is doing? Most
whacks originate out of a person's power center in the area of the solar plexus
at the base of the breastbone. This is
the location of the third chakra, where energy is stored and from where it is
distributed. When a person becomes very
angry, his anger energy comes barreling out of the third chakra towards
whomever he is aiming it at. I cannot
describe the details of what happens physically because it does not happen on a
physical level. It happens on an energy,
or psychic, level. Even so, one can
still certainly feel it on a physical
There is much more information about whacks (and
"sliming" and "diddleling"), such as how to protect and
heal yourself from them, which will be
presented in future posts. In the
meantime, you now have a word for this phenomena, and can be aware of the next
time someone whacks you. Just being
aware of it is one way of mitigating it.
But even more important than being aware of when someone whacking you is
to become more aware of when you are
whacking someone else!