There is a very well established school of thought supporting the idea that you can manifest anything and everything you desire and bring it into your life. Another corollary of this is that one can always be happy, and that happiness should be your ultimate goal. In seemingly equal force are the critics and nay-sayers of this kind of thinking. They say that we believers are naïve and narcissistic, refusing to see the limits of the physical laws that govern physical life. We need to grow up and stop being so self-centered.
So are we being self-centered and juvenile with our wishful thinking? On a spiritual level, this isn’t an issue of “he who dies with the most toys wins.” It’s about learning that what you have in life is a result of how and where you direct your attention and intention. On a deeper level, it’s about growing from a space where you create things to satisfy your shallow ego needs to a space of creating with authenticity and meaning.
This shift happens when you receive validation. You need validation for being a spirit in order to feel real. In fact, it’s the only thing you need. If you are not getting this need met, it is reflected in your ego becoming needy. You (your ego) will need attention and things. But things will never resolve your neediness. When you receive the right kind of attention in the form of recognition and connection, then you mature psychologically and spiritually. You learn how to validate yourself. Life is no longer about creating things to make you happy. You realize that “unhappiness” is just another fleeting emotion that’s part of the growth process, usually indicating the layer of the onion that you get to work on next.
Mastering being able to manifest your desires is a life-long process (actually extending through several lives!). Part of the process is in not getting everything you think you want, and figuring out what that means to you. Another part of the process is increasing your awareness of how your creations affect the well-being of other people around you and the whole planet. You realize that mastery and responsibility are intertwined.
I would like to leave you with one of my favorite little ditties that I remember from childhood: May you live as long as you Wish, and have all you Wish as long as you live.
Manifestation Exercise:Sit in a straight-backed chair at a table, with paper and a pen. Put your feet flat on the floor and close your eyes. Send a beam of energy down into the center of the earth, and take a deep breath. Feel deep into your heart and pick one thing you would really, really like to bring into your life. Write a very clear, detailed description of your chosen item. Think about color, size, function and the feelings having this thing will give you. Draw a picture of it. While you are doing this, feel yourself enthusiastically really, really, really wanting the item. When you are done, you can do one of several things with the paper: burn it, sleep with it under your pillow, put it in a family bible, tear it into tiny bits and scatter them in the wind, or bury them in your garden. You can even make copies of the paper and do all of the above! Now here is the key part: Be sure to let go of all the feelings you were generating and your attachment to having the item. Totally forget all about it. Then when it appears in your life, you can be delighted and amazed.
So are we being self-centered and juvenile with our wishful thinking? On a spiritual level, this isn’t an issue of “he who dies with the most toys wins.” It’s about learning that what you have in life is a result of how and where you direct your attention and intention. On a deeper level, it’s about growing from a space where you create things to satisfy your shallow ego needs to a space of creating with authenticity and meaning.
This shift happens when you receive validation. You need validation for being a spirit in order to feel real. In fact, it’s the only thing you need. If you are not getting this need met, it is reflected in your ego becoming needy. You (your ego) will need attention and things. But things will never resolve your neediness. When you receive the right kind of attention in the form of recognition and connection, then you mature psychologically and spiritually. You learn how to validate yourself. Life is no longer about creating things to make you happy. You realize that “unhappiness” is just another fleeting emotion that’s part of the growth process, usually indicating the layer of the onion that you get to work on next.
Mastering being able to manifest your desires is a life-long process (actually extending through several lives!). Part of the process is in not getting everything you think you want, and figuring out what that means to you. Another part of the process is increasing your awareness of how your creations affect the well-being of other people around you and the whole planet. You realize that mastery and responsibility are intertwined.
I would like to leave you with one of my favorite little ditties that I remember from childhood: May you live as long as you Wish, and have all you Wish as long as you live.
Manifestation Exercise:Sit in a straight-backed chair at a table, with paper and a pen. Put your feet flat on the floor and close your eyes. Send a beam of energy down into the center of the earth, and take a deep breath. Feel deep into your heart and pick one thing you would really, really like to bring into your life. Write a very clear, detailed description of your chosen item. Think about color, size, function and the feelings having this thing will give you. Draw a picture of it. While you are doing this, feel yourself enthusiastically really, really, really wanting the item. When you are done, you can do one of several things with the paper: burn it, sleep with it under your pillow, put it in a family bible, tear it into tiny bits and scatter them in the wind, or bury them in your garden. You can even make copies of the paper and do all of the above! Now here is the key part: Be sure to let go of all the feelings you were generating and your attachment to having the item. Totally forget all about it. Then when it appears in your life, you can be delighted and amazed.
Peace Begins With Each of Us,
How beautiful, Madeline.