Wednesday, April 7, 2010

“Are They Friendly Spirits?” (Rocket J. Squirrel)

In my last blog, I brought up the subject of trancemediums – people who allow (either voluntarily or involuntary) other spirits to channel through them. Mostly we hear only the scary stories about trancemediums being crazy people or “possessed” by the devil. But some people have used their trancemediumship abilities to great advantage for themselves or others.

Most of us have images from movies and TV about what possession looks like. The possessed person’s face and body take on grotesque shapes and postures. They vomit unusual substances and speak in strange voices filled with anger. They can levitate themselves and easily throw heavy furniture across the room.

I’m reading a really interesting book: The Rite: The Making of a Modern Exorcist by Matt Baglio. It’s the story of Father Gary Thomas, who received training in Rome as an exorcist in 2005. Even among Catholic priests, exorcism is a controversial subject. In our modern day and age with all of our scientific understanding of the brain and the body, it’s getting more difficult to believe in evil spirits and possession. “Discernment” of possession from “natural” mental health problems is a crucial skill. Most priests who are trained as exorcists work closely with psychiatrists to distinguish possession from mental health problems. The author says that if you perform an exorcism on a person who is not possessed, but does have mental health problems, then the mental health issues could worsen. I myself believe that all of mental illnesses are the result of some kind of foreign energy that is stuck in the patient’s space. As a being you need to be fully attached to and totally inhabit the body into which you were born. Not being fully in your body leaves room for other beings to enter, resulting in poor decision making and strange behaviors.

Some trancemediums have agreements with friendly and beneficial spirits. They do extraordinary readings for people, providing deep, profound information. They also write books to share their knowledge with a wider audience. These authors include Jane Roberts, Ester Hicks, and Edward Cacye. There are many books that give instructions for channeling spirits or your higher self. The Catholic Church prohibits dabbling in the occult, fearing that so things could make one vulnerable to the devil. My advice is to work directly with a teacher who is very well grounded and attracts only “friendly spirits.” I, myself, participated for one year in a program to channel spirits and allow them to talk through me. It wasn’t my forte though. Like I said in my previous post, “I’d rather do it myself.” But I saw some fascinating phenomena while I was in this program, and receive very useful information.

For more information, here are a few more books that might interest you:
Interview With an Exorcist: An Insider’s Look at the Devil, Possession, and the Path to Deliverance by Jose Antonio Fortea
An Exorcist Tells His Story by Gabriele Amorth
The Exorcist by William Peter Blatty (made into a horror movie in 1973)

What do you believe about being possessed by evil or benevolent spirits? What have you experiences? Feel free to share here with a comment.


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