Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Dear Human

Part of this quote came to me via email. So I Googled it and found what looks to be a possible source:   You can see att the bottom that it is attributed to Courtney A. Walsh. I am sharing it with you here without comment. It gives you plenty to mull over, all on its own.
Blue skies above!

Friday, August 31, 2012

Spinning the Great Mandala

"Take your place on the Great Mandala
As it moves through your brief moment of time
Win or lose now you must choose now
And if you lose you’ve only wasted your life."

                                         Peter, Paul and Mary

One of the biggest tricks that life plays on us is having us experience being young before experiencing being old.  Especially in our current society of ever-increasing value on youthfulness, we grow up with intense programming to loathe "old people."  The focus is on old age frailties and infirmities. Elders are portrayed on TV and in other media as inept. 

We realized that we've been "tricked" when the years go by, we find ourselves "old."  At first, you experience shock and you wonder "what the hell has happened to me?"  After a few years you realize that you aren't the first person to grow old.  Your parents experienced the exact same thing before you, and their parents before them, and their parent before them.  You find a little bit of consolation in thinking that the younger people of today will experience it also, and their children after them, etc.

In intellectual terms, maturity comes from accepting your age, loving yourself and making the decision to do the best with the "time you have left."  By doing these things, you find freedom from self-loathing.

However, there is even greater freedom in realizing and knowing that you are not just your body, but you are a spirit with a body.  This lifetime is just one of the many you have had and will have.  You have seniority over the body.  This means that the body is yours to own.  You can come into your body and own the reality you have created thus far.  If you have been unconscious and just followed the programming to become decrepit, it is still not too late to own your body, love it and do some healing work. 

There are a few spiritual lessons we can learn from aging. You can become aware of your genetic agreements that you made with your family about aging, and release your karma with them.  You can accept that "growing old" is part of the human experience. You can become more aware of how the limitations you experience in your "old age" are reflections of your beliefs, attitudes and programming.  You can realize that every moment of experiencing human life (in whatever form it takes) is precious. This is why we get to do it again and again. We get to learn from our "mistakes!" 

Best of all, and at the very least, you can decide to bring even more of your spiritual awareness into your body next lifetime.  You can get a good head start on enjoying and mastering your life as a human being.  See you next time around!

Sunday, August 19, 2012

Entropy and Your Inner Space

When your house is a mess, it's difficult to focus and get anything done.  You trip over somebody's shoes, can't find the stuff that you need, and are distracted by old snail-mail cluttering the table top. Do you ever wonder why it is that your house gets messy so often, and so easily? Every time you turn around there piles of papers to sort, bathtubs to scrub and dust-bunnies  in the corners that need sweeping. It isn't the result of anything that you do deliberately to mess the place up. It just happens, no effort!  This is due to the second law of thermodynamics: Everything in the universe moves from order to disorder.

This phenomenon also happens in your personal space and your aura. Layers of other people's demands and expectations, words and feelings from conversations that you had earlier that day, residues of emotional crises that you have experienced, and bits and pieces of other people's energy that cling to your space, even if all you did was pass them in the street and they reminded you of someone you know. All this debris in your aura makes it hard for you to get in your body and focus.

To move back from the chaos to order, you have to put energy into the system. For your house, it's the energy required to get off your butt and get out the vacuum. For your personal space, there are two very effective ways of cleaning out: exercise and meditation. Exercise goes a long way for cleaning out your physical space. Jumping into a cold pool clears everyone out of you head instantly.  But exercise alone doesn't affect the all of the subtle energies of your space. It doesn't reach into your inner space where your spiritual abilities are found and where you can communicate with yourself. 

To clean out your inner space, you apply energy by meditation.  The meditation that I do is called running energy.  You visualize or feel that you are directing the flow of your energy through your energy channels and centers in a particular pattern. Running energy moves out energy blocks and then you can release the unwanted energy out of your space.  This creates the space for you to be there, in your own body, heal yourself and focus your attention on the things that are important to you.

Just like having to do the laundry and the vacuuming at least once a week, you have to exercise and meditate on a regular basis too. I recommend doing it every day, especially if you would like to maintain your sanity and health. You have a very busy, active life.  Everyday you suffer the energetic slings and arrows of interacting with others (surely you throw a few of those yourself!). This is all normal and good. But at the end of the day, it's a good idea to release everything that isn't yours' and to gather up all of your energy and replenish yourself.

Having your personal space in good-working order, and replenishing your energy is a tremendous healing.  That's when you'll be have clarity about who you are and what you need to do.  And guess what?  You'll feel motivated to easily and quickly clean up the house so that it reflects your inner space. As above, so below!

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Finding Your Own Trump Card

I have a few spiritual desires in mind that I would like to accomplish.  I also have a few bad habits that suck up the time and energy that I could be directing into my desires.  My favorite rationalization for my time-wasting habits is: "Hey, I know I really am a hard-working, compassionate person, and I like myself.  My desires are just made-up fantasies.  Maybe I'm fooling myself, and there really isn't a "deeper" level of awareness to reach.  It's just my programming that I should always be trying to improve myself."  Fortunately, I have had many experiences of being in that deeper level of awareness, and I know that is where I want to be.  Life is so much more interesting and fun that way.  I know I could be in that space more often.  

The other day I had the thought, "Maybe I don't really want to be more spiritually aware, or I would do what I need to do to get there."  This  made me mad.  I realized that every time I indulged in the energy wasting activities that I was reinforcing them and making them more real than my true desires. In psychic jargon I was "giving up my seniority" to them.  This realization was the trump card I was looking for in order to get my power back from my bad habits.

I decided to use my clairvoyance and to look at what else might have been affecting my behavior.  I saw that it wasn't that I was lazy.  Rather, there was energy in my space that wasn't mine.  In spite of being a spiritual teacher myself, there was still some agreement that Spirit is not real, "working with energy" is woo-woo, and that "stepping into my personal power" was a laughable concept!  I also saw that there were a few people who were envious of my accomplishments as a psychic and a spiritual teacher.  I immediately decided to practice what I preach, and used my basic psychic tools to clear this energy out of my space.  Then I did a healing on my communication with Spirit.  Finally, I filled up my space with my an image of a golden sun filled to overflowing with own enthusiasm for taking the steps that I needed to take to manifest my desires.

Energy Exercise:  When you are feeling stuck in a rut or are indulging in behaviors that aren't serving you. Sit in a straight-backed chair, put your feet flat on the floor, close your eyes, visualize an energetic connection to the center of the earth and put your attention in the center of your head.  Use your own clairvoyance or ask your angels or guides to show you what energy may be the underlying causes of your issues.  Even if you don't get a clear picture, you can see or feel this energy flowing down your connection to the center of the earth.  Thank your angels and fill up your space with a golden sun.

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

About That Inferior Complex You Won't Admit To

When you perceive someone as being "inferior" to you, you may just be intuitively reading how they feel about themselves.  My jargon is that you are reading their "pictures." A clairvoyant sees the energy ("vibes") people send out as visual mental image pictures.  For example, when someone is feeling insecure, you might see an image in your mind's eye of them acting nervous as they try to explain something. For those who are not aware of their clairvoyance (ability to see pictures), they might feel the nervousness.

 It's important to learn how to read people's energy and pictures from a space of neutrality. You can read people without judgment or other emotional reactions. As soon as you move from neutrality to judgment, then you are projecting your own insecurities (or shall I say "inferiorities?") onto them.  Judgment comes in the form of feeling superior and making judgments that you are better than them.  Actually, this usually happens instantaneously and automatically.  We all have programming to be judgmental.  It's a defensive mechanism.  When you are judging someone, you are looking through your pictures of whom you think they are.  Once again, you are projecting your own insecurities onto them.  These are usually traits or feelings about yourself of which you are not aware.  "Who me? I'm not a weak person, I'm strong!"   Everyone has both strengths and weaknesses.  When you don't acknowledge your weaknesses, then you have to project them onto someone else.  When you acknowledge and own your weaknesses, then you see yourself as human; and you see other people as human.  You can see that each person is on a unique spiritual path, just like you!

When you find yourself begrudging someone's achievements, or wishing them ill, you are affecting your own reality more than you are affecting them.  (Jut remember the grade school chant: "Whatever you say bounces off of me and sticks to you!"). Begrudgment and ill-will  are expressions of your own limiting beliefs.  The energy you send out into the world comes back to (haunt) you.  It is a great opportunity for stepping back and looking inward at the underlying energy and programming in your space. 

People of whom you are judgmental are your teachers!  When you can catch yourself being judgmental, again you can take a step back and ask yourself why are you feeling defensive, and what is it that you are projecting.    This can work for other "funny little feelings" that are triggered in you by other people.  "Why does this person annoy me?"; "Does this person remind me of someone who controls me?"; "Am I in competition with this person?"  By pinpointing the energy underlying your emotional reactions to people, you learn about yourself, accomplish some spiritual growth, and let go of your inferiority complex for good.

Monday, June 25, 2012


Have you ever been arguing with someone and felt like he has punched you in the stomach even though he didn't physically touch you?  Perhaps someone you know has just given you the "cold shoulder," along with what feels like a bucket of ice water over your head?  Well, you have just been at the receiving end of an energy whack. 

Even people who don't believe in things that can't be seen have experienced and suffered the consequences being whacked!  How does a whack happen?  What exactly is it that the whacker is doing?  Most whacks originate out of a person's power center in the area of the solar plexus at the base of the breastbone.  This is the location of the third chakra, where energy is stored and from where it is distributed.  When a person becomes very angry, his anger energy comes barreling out of the third chakra towards whomever he is aiming it at.  I cannot describe the details of what happens physically because it does not happen on a physical level.  It happens on an energy, or psychic, level.  Even so, one can still certainly feel it on a physical level!

 An energy whack can be just as painful as a physical punch. Especially if you are open and sensitive. I've seen someone double up in pain after being whacked.  The energy of a whack can go into your aura, causing rips, tears and holes. It can permeate into your body disturbing your chakras and body functions.  Multiple whacks over a long time results in pain, disease, emotional distress or loss of creativity.

There is much more information about whacks (and "sliming" and "diddleling"), such as how to protect and heal yourself from them,  which will be presented in future posts.   In the meantime, you now have a word for this phenomena, and can be aware of the next time someone whacks you.  Just being aware of it is one way of mitigating it.  But even more important than being aware of when someone whacking you is to become more aware of when you are whacking someone else!

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Top Eleven Benefits of Developing Your Intuition

Psychic abilities aren’t  just about reading auras and tarot cards. Here is a partial list of the benefits of developing your intuition and spiritual abilities: 

11. Trust your intuition to select the best tasting fruit at the market and to pick out the perfect gifts for friends and family.

10. Own your psychic abilities to see when other people may be lying to you or influencing your decisions.

 9. Love your grounding to release pain out of your body, and to sleep soundly.

 8. Sharpen your clairvoyance to see and know when you may be walking into a situation that is not in your best interest.

7. Hone your clairsentience to be aware of and trust your own feelings.

6. Use your knowingness to be sure of what is true for you, and stop second-guessing yourself.

5. Focus your clairaudience to communicate with your spiritual guides.

4. Embrace your amusement to heal yourself and others.

3. Channel your female or male energy to create more joy and enthusiasm.

2. Enhance your spiritual communication skills to be of service to others.

1. Use all of the above for to experience the happiness and satisfaction that comes with personal growth, self awareness and being in control of your own life.

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Clairvoyant Training is More than Reading Auras

At Psychic Awakenings we offer the Clairvoyant Awareness Program (CAP) where you can learn how to read auras and give healings.  But this program is much more than learning how to read and heal.  It's about increasing your awareness of yourself as a Spirit and also increasing your awareness of your spiritual abilities to communicate and create.  When you are not in communication with other living souls, you start to feel unreal.  Isolation can drive you crazy, and make you sick.  Being unable to flow your creative energies for yourself and others also makes you crazy and sick.

Readings and healing are spaces to give spiritual communication that validates both the readers and the readee. Communication and validation are the necessary elements that encourage people to take the actions needed to move their lives forward. The aura readings and energy healings are the perfect meansfor giving and receiving communication and flowing your creative energies. These perfect means lead to the perfect ends of knowing yourself, connecting with others and manifesting your life purpose.

Blessings upon you and yours,


Monday, April 30, 2012

It Isn't What You Think It is

Movies certainly give a distorted view of what “being psychic” is all about. They present some funny ideas about psychics: all psychics can hear voices, “see” things that nobody else can see, predict the future, tell you what your fiancĂ© is thinking, and move objects without touching them. Some psychics will even cast an evil spell on your boss (for an exorbitant fee). To be able to do all of these things would be a very tall order indeed! Well, that’s Hollywood for you!

So if being psychic is not about impressing people, what is it about? It’s about personal and spiritual growth. First you have to become aware of (1) who you really are beneath your thoughts of who you think you are, (2) how you are using your own energy to live your life, and (3) how other people’s energy may be invading your space and influencing your decisions and behaviors. It is in the process of learning these things that you can bring your spiritual and psychic talents to the forefront and use them to heal yourself, have meaningful communication with others, and create change and miracles. These are the real rewards of being psychic!

There is nothing magical or mysterious about being psychic. In fact, everyone (everyone!) is psychic. If you have a physical body, your body is sensitive to energy. What this means is that your body can feel the energy of someone else’s thoughts, emotions and feelings. So now, why is it that most people (you too?) don’t think that they can perceive other people’s energy? This is because when you were growing up, you didn’t get validated for your experiences, so you started to ignore them yourself. When you may have told your parents that you knew what they were really thinking, they might have responded, “Oh, don’t be silly!” Or worse, they might have yelled at or punished you for telling the truth. This would have caused you to close down your intuitive abilities really fast! In contrast, perhaps you got validated for doing well on school tests, or playing a musical instrument, thus encouraging you to continue to develop these skills.

There are several popular myths that may cause you to not see yourself as being psychic. Movies and books suggest very few people are psychic; and those who are psychic are also strange or eccentric. This is an invalidation of your sensitivities, so now you’ve closed them down and put a lock on them because you don’t want anyone to think you are crazy.

So how do you unlock and open up your spiritual gifts after all these years? Well, if you haven’t received much validation in the past, the first step is to learn how to get some validation. Every person has slightly different talents. Do you seem to know what people really mean when they are trying to explain themselves? Can you see the direction some situation is taking, and how it will end up? Do you sometimes feel overwhelmed by other people’s feelings or needs? These are all examples of being intuitively perceptive. Due to the reasons listed above, most people have a hard time learning how to validate themselves. Eventually after receiving validation from others, you’ll gain your certainty and be able to validate yourself!

Hurray! It's finally springtime in Seattle!

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Creating Change

People know that New Year’s resolutions are difficult to maintain and bad habits are hard to break.  It is generally believed that habits are deeply ingrained and probably integrated as part of your personality.  You can’t make yourself change.  How many times have you said to yourself:  “I really, really, really want to be _______________,” (fill in the blank: thinner, happier, smarter, kinder). You may have taken some new steps in the right direction, but after a while reverted back to your old ways of operating in the world.
The reason that personal change is so difficult is because the underlying cause of undesirable feelings and behaviors is “energy” that is sticking firmly somewhere in your space.  The word energy is a rather vague, new-age-y word, so let me describe it in a more meaningful way.  You’ve probably have been able to definitely discern that when someone is yelling at you it means that they are angry because you can physically feel the energy of their anger.  It makes your body feel very uncomfortable; you will want to respond by running away or fighting back.  Before that person made the anger energy visible by venting it, it was inside their body. Now if they don’t vent the energy at all, it stays inside the body.  The energy of this anger can then become the cause of undesirable behaviors such as being rude to people (or in extreme cases, manifest as self-mutilating behaviors or disease).  This energy has to be released in a safe way before any change or healing can take place.  Anger is just one example of energy that can be stuck in your space.  The energy of guilt or shame or responsibility (just to name a few) can also be the basis for behaviors or feeling that you wish to be rid of.  So if you want to change, you have to release energy, let go of it, de-energize it. 
When you release energy, you create more open space within your body and aura.  You can fill up that space by replenishing your energy and healing yourself.  I’ve seen people create many changes and miracles by releasing energy and replenishing with their own energy.  You can’t force change, but you can create the space for change to happen.  This change can happen effortlessly.  It is usually accompanied by a transitional time (“growth period”) as your body gets used to the new energy. 
We have several techniques for releasing energy, but that is fodder for another post! 

Energy Exercise:
Sit in a comfortable chair with a straight back, put your feet flat on the floor, and take a deep breath. Imagine that you can see the debris swirling around you. If you would like to know where it came from, just grab a piece and look on the back for a name. It's probably someone you know, but not always. Next, imagine that there is a giant vacuum down at the center of the earth, and the hose extends all the way up to you so that you can use it. Turn the vacuum on and let it suction the debris out of your space. You can also use the nook and cranny attachment to get in-between the layers of your aura. There is also the soft brush attachment for the days when you need a gentle cleaning.

Sorry I've been gone too long. It's nice to be back.