Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Space Beings in Human Bodies

“This is Major Tom to ground con-trol,
  I'm stepping through the door  
  And I'm floating in the most peculiar way
  And the stars look very dif-fer-ent today...”   David Bowie

We are space beings. Without our physical bodies, we can quite easily move through space and time. You may have glimpsed this sometimes at night during your dreams and astral travel. Out on the astral, you get to experience the “oneness” of the universe. You are one with everything, thus being able to bring to yourself anything you want. We take human bodies to learn how to do this on the physical plane; how to create more comfort for your physical body, free expression of your emotional body, and better awareness of yourself as a Spirit in a body.  The first lessons are about learning how to be in your body in order to master life on earth.

Since we are used to being space beings, as described above, it’s quite a challenge for everyone to stay focused in their body on planet earth. Some people seem to have a strong desire to return to the peaceful calmness of space. There are many forces that seem to be in cahoots to keep us from being comfortable in our own skins. From the first days of your life, parents and family members put their intense attention points on your little body and especially in your head, pushing you out (and therefore back into space). Throughout our lives, whenever we talk to someone else, we get right in each others’ head. Anytime you forget what you were just about to say, it’s because someone else just put their attention right in the middle of your head.

A second factor that keeps us out of our bodies is that we receive a lot of validation for thinking, thinking, thinking. When you think, your attention goes out of your body and to whatever you are thinking about. Usually we are thinking about the past or the future, so you are not vibrating in the present. When you are not present in your body, it feels neglected. When you are not present, your brain and mind are quite susceptible to being programmed by other peoples’ beliefs.

The third reason for being “spaced out” is physical and emotional pain in your body. Pain really knocks you for a loop! Of course pain is always a sign that you are ignoring something that is going on. It’s a cycle: the more you ignore the issue, the more it hurts, the more you space out and ignore it, and then the more it hurts.

A fourth dynamic that keeps you out of your space is that as you get older, you receive fewer spiritual hellos and less validation for just being who you are. Instead, you get inundated with your family’s expectations and beliefs of who you are and how you should be. It takes truly enlightened parents to say to their teenager: “Hello, I see You, and I totally accept you the way you are!”

The last item I'm going to mention (but there certainly are more on your own personal list) is the dozens of items each day that attract your attention, and dis-tract you from focusing on the things you would rather be doing.  Advertisements, the internet, people intruding on your time are just a few of the things that can suck you attention and energy.  These are all good opportunities for learning how to set good boundaries for yourself.

All of the experiences described above are normal, everyday occurences.  They are the basis of how we are trained to interact with the world around us. There is nothing "wrong" or "bad" about them.  However, it is by becoming aware of these energy forces and learning how to manage them that you can develope authentic communication with, and knowledge of, yourself.  When you really know yourself, then you'll be able to integrate your spiritual "space-being"awareness and gifts into your "human-being" body. It's the best way to feel alive and enthused.

Exercise: Sit in a straight-back chair, put your feet flat on the ground, close your eyes, and take a deep breath.  Send down a wide grounding cord of energy deep into the earth.  Visualize pulling your aura, or your personal space, in close around you.  Put your attention behind your eyes, in the center of your head.  If it's easy to be there, congratulations!  You are well on your way to knowing your authentic self.  If you feel like something is pushing you out, that is foreign energy keeping you from knowing yourself.  Here are some suggestions for getting help to clear your head: 1) get a massage (have the masseuse really work the back of your neck well); (2) have an accupuncture session, and (3) jump into a cold pool.

Go Out and Have Some Fun,

Sunday, January 2, 2011

It's A Good Time to Let Go

It’s January 1, we are deep into winter, the days are about as short as they’re going to get, and we are in the shadow of Mercury Retrograde. Each of these on its own indicates that it is a good time to let go of many things. All of the above events happening concurrently create the perfect ambience for letting go. Take advantage of this opportunity to resolve or release the situations in your life and create fresh space for the new. Letting go results in a healing for you. Think on these things:

First, move out any energy stuck in your space that vibrates at a level that is no longer meaningful or appropriate for you: relationships, jobs, residences, and limiting beliefs.
       It takes a lot of courage to release the familiar and seemingly secure, to embrace the new. But there is no real security        in what is no longer meaningful. There is more security in the adventurous and exciting, for in movement there is life, and in change there is power. Alan Cohen

Second, let go of effort and making it perfect. You cannot create from a space of effort. It is okay to put energy into your situations and projects, but stay relaxed. It’s also a good idea to have faith in the process and your ability to create.
         By letting it go it all gets done. The world is won by those who let it go. But when you try and try. The world is beyond the winning. Lao Tzu

Third, let go of anger and grudges. Non-forgiveness will destroy you from the inside out every time. At the very least, forgive yourself.
        As long as you don't forgive, who and whatever it is will occupy rent-free space in your mind. Isabelle Holland

Let go of things that didn’t happen that you wanted to happen. You have to step out of the disappointment and move on.
        Burning desire to be or do something gives us staying power - a reason to get up every morning or to pick ourselves up and start in again after a disappointment.    Marsha Sinetar

Exercise: Write down everything you would like to release, even the things you don't feel ready to release.  Put the paper on a fire-proof plate and light it with a match or candle.  Focus on the intention of releasing while you watch it burn.  Afterwards sit for a few minutes with your eyes closed. Evoke the feelings of contentment and wholeness.  Let these feelings fill the new space you have created for yourself by releasing. 

     And Spring arose on the garden fair,
     Like the Spirit of Love felt everywhere;
     And each flower and herb on Earth's dark breast
     rose from the dreams of its wintry rest.
     —Percy Bysshe Shelley

Wishing You Many Blessings for 2011,