Friday, November 22, 2013

Forgiveness: A Powerful Key to Your Happy Holiday Season and Awesome New Year

Guest blog by Wendy R. Wolf

The holidays are wonderful… AND for many of us, they can stir up many old memories, disturbing thoughts and emotions!  Which can make the holidays NOT-so-wonderful, for many of us…

Most of us have tried to forgive in the past, to varied success;  we end up:
  • thinking about it,
  • complaining about it, 
  • feeling crappy & stewing about it, 
  • re-living it, 
  • yelling or crying about it, 
  • TRYING to let go of it!
Although I have been known to indulge in the above activities, I have found another way that Really works for me:  Allowing the ENERGY of forgiveness into my system.  When I spiritually allow-in forgiveness vibration, it magically shifts my energy: my thoughts, my feelings, my Resistance to letting-go of the past, my Attachment to my pain, hurt, anger, resentment and my pictures of what I think I need for a 'fair' conclusion.  All this begins to melt away, and a more delicious experience grows within me, as I let my vibration shift.

For me forgiving others is hard enough, forgiving myself is the really difficult part for me.  What about you?  Trying hard to forgive (myself or others) never got me very far, rather I have found the miraculous power of forgiveness truly is by Grace, not by force of will.  To let in this energy, it can be as straightforward as being grounded and present, then asking for a waterfall of Forgiveness energy from the Cosmos. From here we have the potential to shift, sometimes subtly, sometimes profoundly. This higher vibration can fill us with the blessing of forgiveness, and wash-out all the other detritus. It can be that easy, if we let it.

I'd like to say more about this life-changing process of forgiveness.  The Ascended Master whom I know best regarding his physcial life, is Jesus. And Jesus spoke about forgiveness, a lot actually. One thing he said that kind of wraps-up his perspective for me, is: "in what judgment ye judge, ye shall be judged."  I used to think of this saying as a tit-for-tat kind of thing - some judge sitting there, looking at what I did and having me 'reap what I have sown'.  If I was/wasn't willing to share my toy, therefore some cosmic-cop would increase or limit my access to more toys ; )

It turns out that the very-same judgement that I live-in and I allow for others, really is what is applied to me. But, having looked at this psychically for quite a while now, I have a very different perspective on the mechanisms behind this process.  God/the Universe/Karma isn't rewarding or punishing me!  It is a matter of the vibration I am inhabiting.  From my perspective, the waterfall practice/analogy is really powerful here.  What I notice spiritually is: if I am in the waterfall of Forgiveness, all those around me are in it as well.  If I allow you to be in a waterfall of forgiveness, then I am in it too - I have to be!  So what I allow for myself, you get.  What I allow for you, I get.  It is that simple. 

This is not only a tremendous key in our forgiveness process, in my experience, but in all aspects of our lives: love, peace, joy, trust, healing… The vibrations I allow for myself, you get.  The blessings I allow for you, I get.  What an easy, beautiful way to transform our world!

Ok, so back to forgiveness.  The way I psychically read Forgiveness, the vibration is very similar to the vibrations of Validation, Truth, Certainty, Acceptance, Gratefulness, and Healing that is an experience of the Wholeness we Already Are.  This seemed really strange at first, because from a body-perspecitve, from my experiential, intellectual and emotional perspective, these ideas had been very different things for me. But, eventually I realized what they had in common: They are all about 'Being with what IS.'  

Powerfully, spiritually 'BEING with what IS' opens up a whole new world to us.  Many of us are fighting, judging and resisting what IS.  It is can be life-changing to start allowing the energy of 'Being with what IS' to shift our vibration, as well as how we experience ourselves and our world.

At Psychic Awakenings we work with energy, we believe that when we shift our energy (change spiritually), everything inside us and around us changes.   And it does.  We work from the inside-out.  And, at the same time, it can assist us to change our mind, change our heart, change our experience, when we deal with things from the outside-in.  There is much wisdom in the world to support us in this process of' BEING with what IS'.  One that has been a useful tool for me is The Work of Byron Katie. One of her books is called 'Loving What Is'.  From the other side: for years now, I have one of her quotes right by my bed, so I see it when I sleep and when I rise:  'Stop arguing with what IS!' … How Powerful is THAT?!

Ok, so back to forgiveness.  Isn't it interesting to apply the distinctions and power of 'BEING with what IS' to Forgiveness?  Well, I think it is!  What I have noticed, as a psychic healer for the last decade:  at its core, Forgiveness really is fundamentally 'BEING with what IS' on every level of our being. What they did, what I did, what happened, how that affected me, them, the world…. this can just become a FACT, a past-reality; without a big-long story, without a truck-load of emotionality attached.  I really can stop suffering, stop living in the past, and just BE; and I can let them do the same.  Amazingly, the healing progression over time can end up in 'Loving What Is'. It really can. And the process is not because we are a mighty forgiveness machines, or because we power-through it, it is by allowing the spiritual gift of forgiveness.

I would enjoy sharing so many more blessings about forgiveness, for ourselves, for others; but that is enough for now.  I hope you and your world are continually blessed by letting-in waterfalls of forgiveness. And I trust some of the things I said above can assist you to move along in your process of allowing forgiveness: for yourself and for others.  I pray you are that much more open to savor a Happy Holiday Season and an Awesome New Year!

If you would like to enjoy a meditation together with others on this theme, utilizing the waterfall of forgiveness, and several other distinctions and spiritual practices that I have found really work in our letting-go process;  I am grateful to be leading a session on Monday, November 25, 2013, 7:00 PM to 9:15 PM in Lower Queen Anne. To register:

Blessings on your unique path, Wendy

Wendy R Wolf is Assistant Director at Psychic Awakenings, Professional Healer, Reader and Spiritual Teacher since 2005.