Monday, March 29, 2010

Do the Reading Yourself

I am often asked if I "channel" when I do a reading.  A "channel"  is a conduit through which some substance can flow.  I prefer to channel myself when I read.  I flow myself  and my energy through my body.  There are some psychics who actually do leave and allow another being to come in and do the reading. These psychics are called "trancemediums."  I personally  believe that it's important for you to learn how to read first before allowing other beings to channel through you. You have to learn how to be in control of your own space and energy before turning your body over to an entity who may not value and care for it as much as you do.  If they leave any of their energy in your space, or if they don't totally disconnect from your body, then that is a way for them to control you.  If you don't know how  to read yourself, you won't see this happening.  Entities are not "higher" or "holier" than you, even those who claim to be so.  They are here to learn and grow, just like us.  "As above, so below" works both ways.  It's a good thing to be in communication with spirits while you read, just don't let them take over control of your body or the reading.

Many people are natural channelers, it "just happens" to them.  They move out, and another spirit moves in.  Some of these psychics move so far out of their bodies, that they don't even remember what was said during the reading.  Sometimes, the other spirit doesn't want to move out.  So it's very important to learn how to be senior in your own space.  People who are famous channellers and have been channelling for years have very strong contracts with the beings with whom they are working.  They may be channelling some very profound information that is helpful for many people, but at some point, the beings' agenda may become more important than their own purpose for being here this lifetime.  Chronic or strange illnesses and ego issues can be indications that someone has given up their seniority to beings whom they are channelling.

In addition to being of service to people, I read for my own personal growth.  I learn something about myself from every person whom I read.  When a channeller loses consciousness during a reading, it doesn't seem to me that they can be learning very much from it.  The beings want to have a body without the responsibility that goes with it.   You don't have to provide the beings the space to do the growing and learning at your expense.  They can get their own  body and experience their own joys and pains that come along with the human experience!

I will be blogging much more about readings and how to read.  Instead of including my usual "Psychic Exercise" for you this time, I invite you to come to one of our Reading Clinics, or take a class.  You'll get lots of exercise your psychic muscles there! The next Psychic Tools 101 class starts Thursday, April 15.  We would love for you to join us.  Bring your beings with you and we'll teach them how to be helpful to you without invading your space!

Enjoy Your Day!

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