Friday, April 30, 2010

Energy Cords and Trading Energy

It is a natural phenomena to exchange energy all day long with people whom you interact with.  "Hello!  You're looking good today." "Thank You!  And you?"  Then both parties walk away with a little bit of each other in their hearts.  There are also more contentious interactions between people.  Trying to get your kids or spouse to do more around the house.  Having to deal with "customer service" to get bogus charges removed from your credit card statement.  After these kind of interactions too, each person walks away with a bit (or more) of the other person's anger, frustration or apathy in his or her space. 
If trading energy is such a natural, common occurrences, then when does it become a problem?   It becomes a problem when you want to think clearly, or to know your authentic self.  Remember that energy can be very subtle, it's difficult to know that it is there affecting you.  When you are carrying around other people's opinions, demands and expectations of you, that's what you think about; but you might not be aware that those thoughts are not your own.  Those thoughts are not who you are.  You give yourself a tremendous healing when you release that energy and get to a space of clarity.  I'm sure you have probably experienced this space at times.  It's a big relief physically, emotionally and spiritually to see and feel the truth about a situation or about yourself.
There are many other natural ways that people exchange energy during the course of the day.  It is very common for people to communicate using energy cords.  An energy cord is just that; a line of energy between people that they use to communicate across, very much like a telephone line.  I have a wonderful photograph where you can see the energy cords between my young daughter and me.  You can send an energy cord to someones throat for verbal communication, to their pelvis for sexual communication, to their heart for love, or to their seventh chakra for spiritual communication.  Once again, at the end of the day, it's important to disconnect, or hang up, all the communication energy cords so that you can relax with your own thoughts.
It is also very common for people to deliberately invade each other's space, throw painful energy at each other, and manipulate and program each other.  It's all fun and fascinating stuff!  I will talk about these topics, why people do this, and what you can do about it in future blogs.
Here's an energy for releasing the everyday (stuff) of energy exchanges and cords:  Sit in a straight back chair, put your feet on flat on the ground, and take a deep breath. Send down a beam of energy from your hips deep into the center of the earth. See yourself sitting in a bubble of your own energy. Pull your aura in close around you, about eighteen to twenty-four inches out from your body.  To get a better view, you can put your attention up in the corner of the room and look down at your body.  Give yourself permission to see any energy from other people light up as red circles, or just splotches of energy.  Give yourself permission to see any communication cords that you have with other people. Now climb back into your body and put your attention behind your eyes in the center of your head.  Gently vibrate or shake your energy and aura so that all the foreign energy loosens up.  Let your grounding pull it out of your space and take it down to the center of the earth.  Be amused at how much foreign energy may have accumulated in your space!  Now fill up your new space with your favorite color and own your body.  Stand up and stretch and say Hello to yourself!

Take care,

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