Friday, November 26, 2010

Can You Yourself?

Many people are unaware of their psychic and spiritual abilities because they just don’t know and understand themselves very well. Does the question “Who are you?” provoke a sense of self or a feeling of confusion? There are many obstacles to developing a genuine relationship with and understanding of yourself. Your life is busy with responsibilities and obligations (mostly to other people). You probably had very poor role models consisting of people who constantly berated themselves and made decisions that were not in their own best interest. Many of us are raised without recognition and validation of our true spiritual nature. So you were probably not taught how to see yourself as the invaluable spirit that you are your, much less even how to relate to yourself as an infinite being with unique gifts. In addition to not being able to use their psychic gifts, the lack of this most basic relationship causes many people much confusion, grieve and unhappiness.

Relationships take work. Getting to know someone entails giving and taking equitably, appreciating each other’s strong points, and having compassion for any weaknesses. You make time to spend with your friends doing the things that you enjoy doing together. As the result of sharing quality time with friends and family, you develop a deeper bonder and a stronger sense of the person they really are beneath the various roles that they are playing in their life.

Living with one or more other people has its own special challenges. Everyone has to share the living spaces, and hopefully everyone has some private space that they can retreat to when necessary. Sometimes you just need to get away from everyone and find your own space. The one person you can never get away from is yourself. How is your relationship with yourself? Do you appreciate your strong points and have compassion for your weaknesses? Are you able to spend quality time with yourself, developing a deeper bond with and sense of yourself and your intuitive abilities?

Creating a relationship with yourself is not something you can analyze into happening. It comes through experiencing it. Just like relating to good friends, it can come quite naturally with a little planning. You have to create a consistent, regular time and space to do the things you enjoy doing with yourself. You have to appreciate your strengths and have compassion for the parts of you that you wish were different. On an energy level, you have to move everyone else’s energy (i.e., opinions, expectations and demands) out of the space reserved for communicating with yourself. To this end, here are a few exercises with which you can experiment:

Exercise #1: Look in a mirror. Make eye contact with yourself and say, “You know, I really am a pretty cool person!”

Exercise #2: Do whatever you usually do to move everyone out of your space. Jumping into a pool of cold water is good for this. That clear-headed feeling you get is the result of everyone else jumping ship, so to speak. Everyone is psychic. When you jump into the pool, they unconsciously experience it as a drowning feeling!

Exercise #3: After doing exercise #2, spend a few minutes appreciating your uniqueness. This awareness will probably not last very long, but it is necessary to balance out the energy you put into wishing you were different.

Take Good Care of Yourself,

Monday, November 15, 2010

Learning How to Read Auras

A question I often hear is “How do you teach people to be psychic?"  If you have a body, you already are sensitive. I don’t teach you how to be psychic. I teach you how to interpret and use the information that you already receive. Many people feel that they might be psychic because they “see” images and colors around other people. When they don’t know how to deal with this information, they end up feeling confused and afraid that they might be crazy. Please be reassured: you’re not crazy; you’re psychic!

When you are first learning how to read energy, it can be very useful to create a pre-defined structure to help you organize the information. For example, when looking at colors in the aura, you can decide beforehand that when you see green, it means growth or change. When you see orange, it can mean healing energy to you. As a beginning reader, you can do a simple reading like this and it may be exactly what the person being read needs to hear that day. It may even be of great value to the readee. Very likely he or she may not be able to hear or understand anything more detailed than that.

As you become more confident and sophisticate in your reading abilities, you can go deeper into the information: “I see that you are experiencing much growth in your ability to communication more authentically with your close friends.” “I see orange in the third layer of your aura. Your motivation for much of what you do is to help other people with their issues.” As your reading skills deepen, you will attract more clients who reflect back to you the issues that you yourself are working on. Not only will you be providing valuable information to your client, you will also be healing yourself.

The next step in reading energy moves away from the concrete method of “blue always means this” and “red always means that.” When reading at this level, when you see a particular color or symbol, you ask yourself “What does this color mean for this person at this time?” or “What does this symbol mean for this person today?” Many times the information just comes to you without having to ask first. Just as in the simple reading, your client shows you what he or she needs to hear that day.

Here’s an exercise you can do with a friend who is also interested in psychic development. Sit down across from each other, with your feet flat on the floor. Take a deep breath, ground yourselves deep into the earth, and focus your attention right behind your eyes. First just ask yourself, “What is the most predominant color is his (or her) aura?” If you think you don’t “see” anything, say to yourself “If I could see a color, what color would it be?” After you get a color, ask yourself, “What does this color mean for this person today?” When you are done with the first color, you can look for other colors, then trade and have your friend look for your colors. If you think that you and your friend already know each other too well for this to work, you may surprise yourselves at the information that comes up.

