Saturday, October 17, 2009

Remembering What Has Been Forgotten

Several cultures have a concept of the “Veil of Forgetfulness.” In exchange for having a human experience, you agree at birth to forget your spiritual nature. Having forgotten who you really are, you take on other people’s ideas and concepts of who to be and how to act. Most people are subjugated to their body’s emotional reactions to various situations, never learning how to properly express their needs. Perhaps during your lifetime, you might have glimpses of awareness, your true self. But without learning how to nurture and sustain this awareness, you remain asleep or lost. The phrases “waking up” and “finding myself” are commonly used to describe the process of discovering your real self. It is our life’s lessons to remember ourselves, and each person has their own path to this truth.

You live your incarnated life, for better or for worse, depending on the family and situation you were born into. You take on the “family agreements” as to whether you’ll be rich or poor, clever or mediocre. When one is unconscious, one lives his life from the body chakras, the first, second and third chakras. His main focus is his own survival, and he is controlled by his emotions, unable to see the bigger picture. At some point he suffers the consequences and wakes up one day wondering “How did I get here?” This actually often happens during adolescence. At first it may be an intellectual process and the person tries on different personalities to see which one fits the best or feels the most “natural.” You may be in this stage for several months, or several years. But if these various personalities and situations are not the “real” you, you’re left feeling unsatisfied or empty. So how do you find the real you. The authentic self that brings you a deeper sense of knowing your truth? How do you re-connect with your spiritual nature – the one that you agreed to forget about when you were born?

First, you have to be amused that you agreed in the first place to play the game. Amusement is a necessary element for healing yourself.

Second, you have to release the energy from other people’s concepts, demands and expectations out of your space. You may have spent many years playing this game. It is a process that usually takes many years. As you move up, out of the lower three chakras, you’ll find yourself in your fourth chakra. The fourth chakra is the bridge between your body and you the spirit. You move out of the concepts who you think are and what you think you need and can start to validate yourself and accept yourself just the way you are now. People who have difficulty liking themselves have much fourth chakra work to do. Processing the information in your fourth chakra paves the way for doing the work in your upper chakras where your spiritual information resides. Of course, the process isn’t linear, and you will often be working on several chakras at the same time. All of the chakras have important information that you need for your lifetime. Knowing yourself reaches deeper levels as you learn to balance your chakras, using the spiritual wisdom of the upper chakras to make the best decisions for the care of your body (the lower chakras), and knowing in your heart (the fourth chakra) that you are working from a space of beauty and truth for the highest good of all. As you remember more of yourself, the Veil of Forgetfulness will become more permeable, allowing you better access to your spiritual gifts and awareness.

One Energy Exercise for starting to remember your authentic self:
Sit in a straight back chair, put both feet flat on the ground, and take a deep breath. Send a strong beam of energy from your body deep into the earth for grounding yourself. Be aware of sitting in your own personal space, pulled in close around you. Put your attention in your heart area. You can't know yourself through thinking. So just be. Just be in your heart and fill it with your favorite color until it is full and spinning freely. Give yourself permission to do this and to know yourself. If any doubts or negative thoughts come up, just release them down your energy beam and refocus your energy on your heart. As you heal your heart chakra more and more, your other chakras will come into balance also.

Bless You on Your Path,

1 comment:

  1. Great blog post and I love the exercises at the end. Very helpful. Good luck on this endeavor.
