When you are in resistance to your client, you certainly are not going to be very helpful to them. Whenever you don't like someone, it is never about them, it's about you. There is something about yourself that you don't want to admit, so you project it onto other people. This is true every time. Learning how to read in a safe environment, psychic students have lots of opportunities to notice when they are in resistance to a readee and then they can look deeper within to heal themselves.
Neutrality is the opposite of judgment. Sitting in judgment is a form of resistance and another instance of projecting your own baggage onto another person. When you are projecting your own stuff, then you will see what you are projecting, and not see the readee's real energies. The students learn that when they are having any kind of emotional reaction to the client that they have lost their neutrality. More chances for the readers to heal themselves!
Amusement may be the most important key of all. Students may catch themselves several times during a reading resisting or judging the readee. Our jargon is that they have "matching pictures" or similar life experiences with the readee. It's best to be amused when this happens, "Boy! This must be my long lost twin, separated at birth!" Then the readers know that that readee is exactly the right person for them to be doing a reading for today.
Non-resistance, neutrality and amusement are only three of the many psychic tools necessary for doing excellent spiritual readings. If you would like to learn more, you know where to find us!
Have an fun-filled day!
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