Thursday, December 25, 2014

What Does Christmas Mean to You?

Today is Christmas day. I hope you find that this day has some kind of meaning for you. Like any other day of the year, the meaning of Christmas is the meaning that you give it. As children, our parents create Christmas for us by setting up activities and bringing us presents. Some adults are still waiting for others to create Christmas for them. They wait for others to bring them presents and create Christmas-y things to do. Then they are often disappointed.

So if you are disappointed with how you experience this day, it's time to take responsibility for yourself and look deeper within yourself.  Here's a psychic energy exercise to help you get started:

Sit in a straight-backed chair with your feet on the ground. Visualize, feel or deliberately send down a grounding beam of energy all the way to the center of the earth.  Give it roots and make sure the energy is flowing in a downwards direction. Using your clairvoyance, look around inside your personal space for any energy that is blocking you from having a meaningful Christmas.  

If you don't think you have any clairvoyance, then ask yourself, "Well, if I did have clairvoyance, what would I see?" You might see images of your family not enjoying Christmas. You might see just balls of energy that look dark and old. You might "hear" people telling you to not be so enthused. Or you might just feel the energy of disillusionment or punishment. 

Turn your ground cord into a vacuum and let it gently pull out anything you see, hear, feel or know. Let it pull it out and all the way down to the center of the earth. Now create or visualize a giant golden sun about your head. Fill that golden sun with pictures that you create. You can create pictures of spiritual fulfillment, prosperity, joy, gratitude, giving and receiving, feeling connected, etc.  Allow the golden sun energy to flow down through your space, and fill your aura with the pictures that you created. Absorb the energy into every cell of your body. Let it be a tremendous healing. Send some golden energy down your grounding also.  When you feel complete, stand up and stretch.

Everything in your life was created on an energy level first. It is more effective when you create consciously like this exercise demonstrates. I recommend that you use it every day of the year.  It may not feel very real at first. But all great talents are developed through daily practice.

Blessing for today and everyday.

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