The representations of some of other parts of the rose reading are as follows:
Rose hip = body-spirit communication
Stem length = the length of time that the readee has been reincarnating
Leaves = agreements to have children or take care of other people
Colored rings around the stem = specific past lives the person has had
Using this basic format gives the new students a place to start looking. Otherwise, they would just sit there and think, "I don't see anything. What the heck am I supposed to be seeing?" Once they build up some certainty, the readers can use the format for going into some deeper aspects of reading. In going deeper, the readers have to just allow the information to come them. "The rose I see is a tired shade of orange, and I get the feeling that the energy is draining out of it." The client then offers feedback saying whether they've been tired lately, or not. The feedback helps the students to hone their reading skills.
Using this method of reading is the simplest way to start learning how to do a psychic reading. Having a list of elements to look for provides a structure the students can build upon. But learning how to read energy is just the beginning. The real lesson learned is about spiritual communication. It's about taking the information that is gleaned from reading and presenting it to the readee in a way that validates them and helps them along their spiritual path. The blessings are two-fold. In helping another along the way, the readers soar on their own spiritual paths as well!
Whether you are interested in receiving a Rose Reading, or learning how to do a Rose Reading, all the info is up on our website: www.PsychicAwakenings.com.
Yours in Spirit,
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