1a: dedicated or set apart for the service or worship of a deity
1b: devoted exclusively to one service or use (as of a person or purpose)
2a: worthy of religious venerations: holy
2b: entitled to reverence and respect
3a: unassailable, inviolable
3b: highly valued and important
The first point of the Merriam-Webster definition above is "dedicated or set apart fro the service or worship of a deity." Your life-force energy which animates your body is your divinity, a part of God, Goddess, All-There-Is, Cosmic Consciousness. You, the Spirit who resides in your body, are divine.
So is your personal space sacred to you? Do you use it in service of yourself? This means keeping your aura and your body clear so that you can communicate with yourself and know yourself. It means having a well-define boundary that is "unassailable and inviolable." In addition, it is necessary to keep yourself healthy and whole (i.e., holy). Doing these things is what connects you into your personal power. As a Spirit, you can be, do and have everything you desire. One of the games on this planet is to bring your spiritual information into your body and learn how to be, do and have in the physical world.
So is your personal space sacred to you? Do you use it in service of yourself? This means keeping your aura and your body clear so that you can communicate with yourself and know yourself. It means having a well-define boundary that is "unassailable and inviolable." In addition, it is necessary to keep yourself healthy and whole (i.e., holy). Doing these things is what connects you into your personal power. As a Spirit, you can be, do and have everything you desire. One of the games on this planet is to bring your spiritual information into your body and learn how to be, do and have in the physical world.
To truly know yourself and your own truth, opinions and values, it is necessary to release everyone else's truths, opinions and values out of your space. The first time that you do this, you may feel empty and lonely. This happened to me during a break-up of my first relationship. I walked for hours thinking over and over, "I have to start thinking for myself. I don't know what to think, but I have to start thinking for myself."
Your personal space is the sacred center of your own universe. You create and interpret your reality from your personal space. It is your birthright to set the rules of your space: who gets to enter and who is denied access. Many people are unconscious of this and allow their space to be invaded by other people. They also allow their energy to be scattered or siphoned off.
Your personal space is the sacred center of your own universe. You create and interpret your reality from your personal space. It is your birthright to set the rules of your space: who gets to enter and who is denied access. Many people are unconscious of this and allow their space to be invaded by other people. They also allow their energy to be scattered or siphoned off.
There are several things you can do to make your space sacred. Meditation, introspection, care of the body, self-nurturing, and learning tools for making energetic separations. Use these activities to fulfill your physical, mental, emotional and spiritual needs. Making these activities into meaningful rituals can help you through your spiritual growth as you turn your personal space into your sacred space.
Divinely yours,
Divinely yours,
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