Friday, December 12, 2014

Your Aura is a Reflection of Your Personal Space

Do you know someone whose presence fills up a room as soon as they enter?  These people have very large, open auras!  Expanding their aura to "own" the room is their way of being in control.  The auras of these people are quite dense and vibrant. This is also known as stage presence. It is a kind of energy that commands your attention.  In general these people thrive on attention and interaction.

It is also possible to have an open aura that is weak and just spread too thinly. You can tell when someone has an aura like this because he or she appears airy, spaced-out or incapable of focusing.  Their space is vulnerable to being invaded by other people and beings without bodies.  They have difficulty setting boundaries or even knowing themselves very well.  

People who are very private or guarded generally hold their auras in close to their bodies.  They may be uncomfortable opening up and sharing space with others.  They can be quite unnoticeable, either consciously or unconsciously.  

The degree to which one's aura is open or closed does not mean that he or she is more or less sensitive, psychic or spiritual.  Everyone has feelings and is sensitive in their own way. However, the health of your aura can correlate to your physical health.  People who are spacey and have weak auras with no clear boundaries generally have trouble focusing enough attention on taking care of themselves.  When their energy leaks out, then they will not have enough life force energy to maintain the body. 

Usually, your aura opens and closes automatically depending on the situation.  When you are around people with whom you are comfortable, your aura opens up.  In new or uncomfortable situations, it closes down.  But you can also deliberately decide how large or small you would like your aura.  The size of your aura also affects your emotional state and your awareness.  Here's an exercise for playing with your aura to find the most comfortable level for you.

Sit in a straight-back chair with both feet on the ground.  Close your eyes and take a deep breath. Send down a beam of energy to the center of the earth to ground yourself.  Use your intuition to see or feel the size of your aura around you.  Does it have any colors or textures?  Now envision, imagine or just intend that you are expanding your aura to be as large as the room.  Does your body or head feel different in any way?  Slowly keep expanding your aura until it is about one mile in diameter.  Do you feel more comfortable or uncomfortable as you do this?  What else do you notice about your energy as you do this?  

Now bring your aura in to be only about two or three inches out from your body.  What does this do to your awareness?  Do you feel more crowded or more focused?  Which size feels the most "natural" to you?  

Even though you may have no desire to be in control of a whole room of people, you can at least be in control of your own aura and personal space.  Practice opening and closing it in different situations and see what happens.  Let me know what you discover!

Warm wishes,

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