Your most precious possession is your attention. Focusing your attention on something is giving it your energy, whether it be people, things, opportunities or problems. Whatever you give your energy to becomes more real for you. The energy you're giving it is what feeds it, so it grows.
From the moment we are born we focus our attention on the world around us. At first this is a good thing as we learn about the world and how things work. As we get older, more and more external things demand our attention. Parents and teachers are always saying, "Pay attention." TV and advertisements claim our attention non-verbally with images of people being sexy and having fun. Friends and work situations demand your attention to their problems. Even before we become adults, we are quite burned out with our energy going out to too many external demands.
By giving our attention and our energy away like this, we end up not even knowing ourselves. Who we are, what we feel and why we are here. This is why self-care and meditation are crucial to our lives. You have to give your body attention and energy to stay physically healthy. You have to give your feelings attention to stay emotionally healthy. Equally important is paying attention to your spiritual life. Give energy to the things and activities that make you feel alive, enthused and connected to yourself and other people.
Here is a meditation for re-owning your attention and energy. Sit in a straight-back chair with your feet flat on the ground. Close your eyes and take some deep breaths. Send a beam of energy from the base of your spine down to the center of the earth. Make it as wide as your hips and give it a strong attachment to the earth. Intend that you are pulling in your personal space, your aura, close around your body. Make your grounding into a vacuum hose and have it pull everyone else's energy out out your space. Anyone who has their attention on your can be sent down your grounding. You can also release any body tension and emotional energy down your grounding. Do this for several minutes until you feel your body relaxing.
Create, intend or visualize a golden sun above your head. Call back all of your energy and attention back from everything, everywhere, every person you've given it to. Spend several minutes doing this and watching your golden sun get bigger and brighter until it almost fills the room. Now let the golden sun energy flow down through your space and absorb it into your body. Fill up all the new spaces you created when you released everyone else's energy out of your space. When you feel full and complete, stand up or bend over and stretch your body.
Blessings for 2015 to all of you!
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