Starting to look at and explore your psychic energies and abilities can be scary and make you feel vulnerable. This is why I have created a safe, grounded space for people to learn about these "mysteries" of life. Most people who come to take classes want to rediscover their psychic abilities that have been closed down. Other people come because they are already too wide open, seeing and hearing things they don't want to hear and see. These people want to be able to close down their psychic space to a level that feels safer for them.
It is very satisfying to work people who have had mental health issues (they must stay under the care of their doctor while working with us). It is a great relief for them to receive validation that they are sensitive souls, definitely not crazy. The psychic concepts give them a whole new perspective of their challenges. The psychic tools teach them ways to manage their energy in ways that work for them.
Whether you need more saneness or control in your life, or more unconventionality to spice up your life, pursuing psychic development classes can positively help you. To see if they resonate with what you are looking for, check out our classes at www.PsychicAwakenings.com/basicclasses.shtml.
iNSanELy OUt tO luNcH,
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