Monday, December 8, 2014

Who's In Control Around Here Anyway?

When you think about your life, do you see yourself as having to be in control, or as the one who is always being controlled by others?  Do you always have all the details carefully worked and explained to everyone why it is so important to do things your way?  Or are you at the other end of the spectrum and afraid to speak up for yourself?  Of course, most of us are somewhere in between.  Sometimes you need for things to be done your way, and sometimes how it’s done just isn’t important.

Control is a major game on this planet.  If you wish to feel more in control of your life events, or to lessen your need to be so controlling, you can start by looking at how much you are able to control your personal energy and space.  Do you throw your energy around blasting people?  Is it scattered among all of your activities, which leaves you feeling drained?  Do you get angry when someone more controlling than you walks into the room?

How does your level of personal control impact the greater picture of your life?  Your activities and experiences are a direct reflection of your inner world.  How can it be otherwise?!  For example, think of someone you know who leads a very hectic life (it’s always so much easier to see these things in other people!).  This person might believe that all of these overwhelming events are happening to him or her, and therefore he or she responds by feeling frantic and overwhelmed.  But, actually, the reverse is true.  This person thinks and acts frantically, thus sending out frantic energy, which then attracts the experiences to validate his or her feelings and beliefs.  The spiritual lesson here is to first be aware of your thoughts and beliefs which affect the energy that you send out into the universe.

One of the most basic, effective psychic tools for starting to control your energy and space, which you probably have heard about, is grounding.  Sitting down in a comfortable chair with your feet flat on the floor, imagine dropping a giant anchor on a very thick rope or chain all the way down to the center of the earth.  The other end of the rope is attached very firmly to the base of your spine.  You can deliberately send any emotional energy down this grounding cord instead of throwing it around at people.  Grounding also helps to pull you in closer to your body.  It is that first step to learning how to be more spiritually aware in your body.

Your ways of being in control of your life were probably developed as coping mechanisms and have served you in that function. There is no judgment here. This isn't about making yourself change.  But you can increase your awareness of how you operate in the world.  With increased awareness you can make different decisions which will better serve you and the people around you.

If you find my blog postings to be beneficial daily reminders that you are a Spirit expressing through a body, please click on the "Join this site" button.

In gratitude,


  1. This is one lesson I need to learn, not to throw my energy away or at others. I have certainly done that, but I have also becom much more aware of it. I also tend to have a lot of projects going. As an artist with multiple streams of work and creative projects, I wonder how to manage it all better?

    1. Assuming that you're the "Sarah L" whom I know: Here's one thing you can do to manage it all better. The next time you meditate, make energetic separations from all of your projects. Move their energy all out of your space. Then create a separate container for each one (you can use the image of roses, or glass containers with lids, bubbles or boxes, etc.). Separate them all out from each other and put each into its own container. This will give you seniority over your creations. You will control them instead of them controlling you.
