"It's all about falling in love with yourself and
sharing that love with others who appreciate you; rather than looking outside
yourself for love to compensate for a self love deficit." Eartha Kitt
You cannot fill a self-love deficit with love from other people. When you are with another person, you feel great because that person's energy fills your space and any feelings of emptiness. You identify yourself through that person. But when that person goes away, you are left with an empty hole, loneliness, insecurity, back where you started. Not knowing who you really are without that person. It is so much better to heal yourself first and fill that hole with your own self-love and energy so that it's not a hole anymore. You will be whole. You will know who you are and identify with yourself. No one will be able to take that away from you.
On a deeper level, relationship, money and career issues are all symptoms of a closed heart. Call it low self-esteem, lack of confidence, insecurity or fear, it's all the same. As you do the necessary work to heal your heart, you will know what to do to clear up your issues. Since they are "symptoms" of inner discord, it is natural that they dissolve as your hear heals; sometimes just on their own.
How do you fall
in love with yourself? What would that mean? Does this seem like a foreign concept to you? Learning to love yourself takes patience because it's a long process. It takes courage to admit to things about yourself that you might not like. Healing work has to be approached from many directions: self-care for your physical body, nurturing for your emotions, understanding for your intellect and validation for you as spirit.
The second part of Eartha's quote is the reward for your inner work: "sharing that love with others who appreciate you." Sharing without doubts and without playing control games. You will experience true, authentic, loving connections with others. I know that's what I'm seeking. I know that's what we all are seeking.
Go play in the Light!
Great post. I spent so many years not giving myself self love and just being overly needy of other people's love. It didn't work out well. I then realized I needed to love myself first and then I was able to just enjoy the love I received from others.
ReplyDeleteThanks! Glad to know this has worked for you in the past.