Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Tarot the Intuitive Way

The seventy-eight cards of the tarot are very rich in symbology and can provide deep insights to your inner world. You may think that it would be a daunting task to memorize the meanings of the cards, and how the meanings are influenced by the cards that surround them in a spread. But you can learn how to read the cards without having to do a lot of memorization!  Just memorizing the cards results in stilted, impersonal readings. Instead, you can discover what each card means to you; and you will learn how to use your intuition to read them.  By combining personal relevance and your inner intuition, the readings you do will be more intimate and personal. 

The best way to derive meanings from the cards is to read several books by different authors.  Each author has a different philosophy about tarot in general, and a different perspective of each card.  There are several methodologies that have been used to derive meanings from the cards: numerology, Jewish mysticism (kabalah), astrology and the tale of the hero's journey.  You can decide which of these methods resonates the most.  By using some elements from each of these methods, you'll be able to provide deeper readings.  It's like "priming the pump."  You absorb the information about the cards, and when it comes time to read, you just relax, clear the communication lines between you and your client, and then use your intuition to give him or her the information that they are seeking. 

For a beginner, reading tarot cards can be easier than reading the aura. The "pictures" are right there in front of you so there shouldn't be any doubt as there might be doing an aura readings.  Just any three cards displayed together can tell twenty different stories. A ten-card tarot spread can tell a thousand different stories. How do you know which story is the right story?  If you have taken the time to ground your psychic space and clear your  spiritual connection with the client, then the right story will just come to you.  

There is no power in memorizing the card meanings. The power is not in the cards. The power is in you and your intention to be of service.

For more help in learning how to read the cards, or to receive a tarot card reading, please email me.

Take good care,

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