Saturday, December 27, 2014

Monthly RoundUp - The Best of Psychic Awakenings December Blogs

Hello!  I am at the end of my 30-Day Blogging Challenge. At the beginning I really wondered how the heck I was going to come up with thirty blogs in thirty days.  BUT I DID IT!  My blogs were generally of two types: techniques for being psychic and information for enhancing your spiritual awareness. Listed here are links to the five posts that were the most read.

1) Everything Springs From Self Love

This post was far and away the most widely read. Self Love is the highest common denominator.

2) Psychic Awakenings Graduates Move On Up

Well! We know who looked at this one the most! But I've included it anyway because the graduates accomplished so very much spiritual growth. Some of them have already hung out their shingles to be of service to others.

3) Tarot the Intuitive Way

Learn to read tarot cards without spending hours memorizing meanings. Developing your own meanings leads to empowering readings.

4) What Color is My Aura?

The colors in your aura reflect your energetic vibration. You can use your colors to heal yourself.

5) What Will I Learn in Psychic School?

The Clairvoyant Awareness Program is more than learning how to do aura readings and energy healings.  It's about increasing your awareness of yourself as a Spirit; and your Spiritual abilities to communicate and create.

There you have it! I hope that each of the blog was beneficial for you in some way. Was there another post which is not listed above that really spoke to you? Please let me know if there is a specific topic about which you would like more information.

Take good care,

Your Most Precious Possession is Your Attention

Your most precious possession is your attention. Focusing your attention on something is giving it your energy, whether it be people, things, opportunities or problems. Whatever you give your energy to becomes more real for you. The energy you're giving it is what feeds it, so it grows.

From the moment we are born we focus our attention on the world around us. At first this is a good thing as we learn about the world and how things work. As we get older, more and more external things demand our attention. Parents and teachers are always saying, "Pay attention." TV and advertisements claim our attention non-verbally with images of people being sexy and having fun. Friends and work situations demand your attention to their problems. Even before we become adults, we are quite burned out with our energy going out to too many external demands.

By giving our attention and our energy away like this, we end up not even knowing ourselves.  Who we are, what we feel and why we are here. This is why self-care and meditation are crucial to our lives. You have to give your body attention and energy to stay physically healthy. You have to give your feelings attention to stay emotionally healthy. Equally important is paying attention to your spiritual life. Give energy to the things and activities that make you feel alive, enthused and connected to yourself and other people.

Here is a meditation for re-owning your attention and energy.  Sit in a straight-back chair with your feet flat on the ground. Close your eyes and take some deep breaths. Send a beam of energy from the base of your spine down to the center of the earth. Make it as wide as your hips and give it a strong attachment to the earth. Intend that you are pulling in your personal space, your aura, close around your body. Make your grounding into a vacuum hose and have it pull everyone else's energy out out your space. Anyone who has their attention on your can be sent down your grounding. You can also release any body tension and emotional energy down your grounding. Do this for several minutes until you feel your body relaxing.

Create, intend or visualize a golden sun above your head. Call back all of your energy and attention back from everything, everywhere, every person you've given it to. Spend several minutes doing this and watching your golden sun get bigger and brighter until it almost fills the room. Now let the golden sun energy flow down through your space and absorb it into your body. Fill up all the new spaces you created when you released everyone else's energy out of your space. When you feel full and complete, stand up or bend over and stretch your body.

Blessings for 2015 to all of you!

Friday, December 26, 2014

"How Do I Know That I'm Not Just Making It Up?"

"How do I know that I'm not just making it up?" is a question that every single one of my new students asks! When the students are first learning how to read, they are more concerned with the technical aspects of reading (as opposed to the spiritual aspects).  When they sit down for the first few readings, they feel like they don't have any idea about how to read. So they are all amazed that even the few things that they venture to say during a reading are validated by the readee.  

This is because it is already human nature to read other people. Most people do it unconsciously because they just haven't yet learned to be aware of doing it. Notice the next time you first meet someone, what you feel, think or just know about him or her. Usually the first feelings you get are about to how wide open the other person is towards interacting with you. You can feel if they are emitting a strong energy field, or a quieter one. Think back to any times when you did just know something about a person you just met, and you were surprised to find out that your "hunches" were right. 

At our readings, the students have permission to use their psychic and clairvoyant abilities. There is a strong agreement that being psychic is real. The new students sit alongside a more advanced reader so that there is no pressure on them to say anything at all.  Long before even sitting in the readings, the students learn how to set their energy centers, or chakras, at a level that is conducive for reading and communicating. 

When they use all of their psychic tools, then the information just comes naturally to them, without any effort at all. At first they don't know where the information is coming from, so they do feel like they are "just making it up."  But with validating feedback from the readees, they learn how to vibrate just right at the "sweet spot." That sweet spot is the vibration of being in spiritual communication with another soul. There's just no way you could fake that or make it all up.

Peace be with you,

Thursday, December 25, 2014

What Does Christmas Mean to You?

Today is Christmas day. I hope you find that this day has some kind of meaning for you. Like any other day of the year, the meaning of Christmas is the meaning that you give it. As children, our parents create Christmas for us by setting up activities and bringing us presents. Some adults are still waiting for others to create Christmas for them. They wait for others to bring them presents and create Christmas-y things to do. Then they are often disappointed.

So if you are disappointed with how you experience this day, it's time to take responsibility for yourself and look deeper within yourself.  Here's a psychic energy exercise to help you get started:

Sit in a straight-backed chair with your feet on the ground. Visualize, feel or deliberately send down a grounding beam of energy all the way to the center of the earth.  Give it roots and make sure the energy is flowing in a downwards direction. Using your clairvoyance, look around inside your personal space for any energy that is blocking you from having a meaningful Christmas.  

If you don't think you have any clairvoyance, then ask yourself, "Well, if I did have clairvoyance, what would I see?" You might see images of your family not enjoying Christmas. You might see just balls of energy that look dark and old. You might "hear" people telling you to not be so enthused. Or you might just feel the energy of disillusionment or punishment. 

Turn your ground cord into a vacuum and let it gently pull out anything you see, hear, feel or know. Let it pull it out and all the way down to the center of the earth. Now create or visualize a giant golden sun about your head. Fill that golden sun with pictures that you create. You can create pictures of spiritual fulfillment, prosperity, joy, gratitude, giving and receiving, feeling connected, etc.  Allow the golden sun energy to flow down through your space, and fill your aura with the pictures that you created. Absorb the energy into every cell of your body. Let it be a tremendous healing. Send some golden energy down your grounding also.  When you feel complete, stand up and stretch.

Everything in your life was created on an energy level first. It is more effective when you create consciously like this exercise demonstrates. I recommend that you use it every day of the year.  It may not feel very real at first. But all great talents are developed through daily practice.

Blessing for today and everyday.

Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Spiritual Communication: We Ain't No Muggles Here!

My blog yesterday was all about sending psychic "Hellos" out to people.  The word "psychic" also means "telepathic" or "spiritual." For me, the main purpose of doing psychic readings is to give spiritual hellos to people. "Hello! I see you inside that body." "Hello! I see what you are creating with your energy." "Hello! I see what is hindering your spiritual growth." "Hello! I see the filters that you look out through when you interpret your reality." 

Spiritual communication is different from all other communication. I teach my psychic students to communicate with neutrality, without judgement and without telling the readee that they need to be anything different than they are. When the clients receive a Hello in this way, they are able to take the information and make their own decisions. They are reminded that they too are a spirit. We don't teach them anything they don't know. We just remind them what they have forgotten! 

The readers also let the readees know that they (the readers) are not special. The readees are also sensitive, or they wouldn't have come in for a reading. The readees could just as easily be sitting on their side of the room giving readings to people. 

Giving psychic readings is not about impressing anyone with your psychic abilities. It's about spiritual communication.  A spiritual Hello can be the first step on the path to spiritual awareness. Spiritual awareness leads to spiritual freedom. This means freedom from limiting beliefs and other programming that controls your life. Releasing these beliefs gives you more freedom to make decisions that serve you. It also helps you to find your own truths of why you are here and what you are supposed to be doing.

If you would like to receive a spiritual Hello like this, you can register online for a reading from the clairvoyant students at

Hello! Hello! Hello!

Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Thoughts: Silent But Powerful

In previous posts, I've written several times about sensitive people feeling bombarded. What is it exactly that is bombarding them?  Most often it is other people's thoughts. Thoughts are a powerful form of energy. Especially the thoughts that are super-charged by emotions such as anger and hatred.  Often, people send out bolts of energy without even attaching any thoughts to them.  Surely, you've been able to physically feel the anger of someone standing next to you. Very sensitive people may even walk away with a stomach or headache after absorbing someone else's anger.  

I learned about powerful thoughts first hand in the first meditation class that I took.  I was slouching on a couch feeling rather disaffected and thinking, "I don't like this teacher. Her clothes are really boring. I don't like her haircut either." All of the sudden, she turned to me and sharply scolded, "Stop throwing energy at me!"  I was totally dumbfounded. Mostly because I knew that I had had similar experiences all my life either thinking too loudly or being on the receptive end of other people's thought and emotions. But now I had a vocabulary for it and could be aware of it! 

This kind of communication also works for positive thoughts and emotions. Many years later I was eating dinner with some friends in a rather nice, but casual, restaurant. A group of about eight people came in and sat down about six feet away, in the middle of the room. I thought they had such wonderful energy that I sent a telepathic "Hello" over to them. The very first split second afterwards I had already let it go and forgot about it. The very next split second, they all looked up right at me with startled looks on their faces!  They had heard me! I was really shy in those days, and looked away quickly. But the man who seemed to be the one in charge would not stop looking at me until I finally looked up and smiled. 

I invite you to think about and remember similar experiences that you have had, both positive and negative. You can also explore this further by practicing sending out "Hello" to people. Look for the responses on people's faces or in their behavior. You can even send Hellos to people you know whom are not present at that moment.  Wait for the phone calls saying, "Hello! I hope this doesn't sound strange, but I had this sudden urge to call you."

Let me know what you discover!

Monday, December 22, 2014

Spiritual Growth Happens in Your Physical Body

When you are a serious energy reader and worker, you have to take very good care of your body. Learning how use your clairvoyance and other psychic abilities puts your body through many spiritual growth periods as it adjusts to your rising energy levels. Our psychic students learn that they can pass through the growth periods gracefully, or not so gracefully. The difference lies in how well they treat their bodies.

When you do not take good care of your body, working with energy can be overwhelming. If your body is not getting its needs met, fear can become a major block to developing your psychic abilities.  Many people have told me that they do not mess around with anything psychic because they are afraid. Afraid of what they might find out, or afraid that something bad will happen to them.  This is the body's fear. The body is a concrete object and identifies with other concrete objects. Anything it cannot see or hear is foreign, unreal and scary for many bodies. 

You have to take care of your body for it to trust you. You have to give it what it needs to feel healthy, grounded and safe. For those of you who are on the other side of the spectrum, too sensitive and hoping to close down, it is especially crucial to take care of your physical body. It becomes unbearable for the body to constantly feel bombarded by other people's energy.

Here's a list of what your body needs to feel safe while you are opening up psychically:
1) Food, water, oxygen and sleep: No need to say more.
2) Personal space:  Clearly defined boundaries are necessary for protection from foreign energies.
3) Movement: Bodies need to move and pump the blood throughout the body for optimal health.
4) Sex: Survival of the species is a very deep body instinct that cannot be ignored by adults.  
5) Human touch: Physical touch provides connection with others. It also validates the body that it exists and has a right to be here.  Isolation results in mental illness.

You are here on this planet to learn how to bring your spiritual awareness into your physical body.You have to take responsibility for your body so that it can handle your spiritual energy vibration. If you want to be comfortable in your body, be nice to it and nurture it. You will not go anywhere without it.

Be happy, be kind, be grounded.

Sunday, December 21, 2014

Accelerate Your Spiritual Growth: Always Choose Love

The most important thing you can do to accelerate your spiritual growth is to always choose love.  This was brought home to me quite by accident recently. I was in the midst of the usual, minor bickering with my husband when I felt a quick flash of love for him. I remember thinking, "Quick though it was, that felt better than the bickering does."  So I immediately and deliberately evoked my love for my husband. I responded to everything he said in a loving way. The energy quickly changed (surprise! surprise!) and we both walked away feeling better. I don't think he noticed the difference, but I certainly did.

I have a big bug-a-boo around writing about my personal, internal experiences, but I have to admit that I know that I am now a different person. There are so many times during the day that I now remind myself to choose love: when I react critically to someone; when I start criticizing myself; when I feel unhappy about a situation; when I feel that I playing out old behaviors that don't serve me; when I feel that life isn't fair; when I just feel blah. In all of these cases I choose love, and it feels better.

By choosing love, you too can remember that others too are on a spiritual path,just like you. It will feel like you have a new mastery over your unconscious emotional and analytical reactions to situations. Choosing love gives you more choices about how to respond, instead of just reacting. Choosing love is empowering. Choosing love gives you, the Spirit, seniority over your body's analyzer and emotions.  Choosing love will give you expanded awareness of your spiritual abilities to create and to change anything and everything about your life.

Well, here is the WORLD ACCORDING TO ME: Choosing love is the meaning of life. We are playing on this planet to learn how to bring our spiritual awareness and gifts into the physical body. To use an old cliché, it's by choosing love that we get to experience heaven on earth!

Happy Winter Solstice!

Saturday, December 20, 2014

Time to Release All the Debris in Your Aura

When I look at someone's aura, it often reminds me of the Peanuts character Pigpen. He walks around amid a cloud of swirling debris, which leaves a trail behind him. What is all this stuff that everyone is unknowingly carrying around with them? In most cases, it's the energy of other people's intentions for you, their feelings about you, and sometimes their problems that you have take upon yourself to fix.

Just as a balloon will stick to you because of static electricity, so does the very subtle energies that everyone sends out in the form of thoughts and emotions. One can clairvoyantly "see" this energy with their sixth chakra. As I said above, it often looks like swirling debris, with clumps of it stuck in various chakras. This debris is clutter and as such, it can get in you r way when you are trying to create something for yourself. When you are doubting yourself or invalidating yourself, it is usually other people's thoughts in your space. There are several different psychic tools for clearing this flotsam out of your space. Here is one of my favorites.

Energy Exercise:
Sit in a comfortable chair with a straight back, put your feet flat on the floor, and take a deep breath. Imagine that you can see the debris swirling around you. If you would like to know where it came from, just grab a piece and look on the back for a name. It's probably someone you know, but not always. Next, imagine that there is a giant vacuum down at the center of the earth, and the hose extends all the way up to you so that you can use it. Turn the vacuum on and let it suction the debris out of your space. You can also use the nook and cranny attachment to get in-between the layers of your aura. There is also the soft brush attachment for the days when you need a gentle cleaning.

Just four days til Xmas!


Friday, December 19, 2014

Psychic Readings Leads to Deeper Self-Love

It is indeed a theme in my posts that it is by reading others that the student readers progress in their own self healing and spiritual growth. 

Yesterday I described how resistance and judgment hinder one's ability to truly see another person's aura and energy.  Judgment results in thinking about what is wrong with the client. There is something about the person that "bothers" the reader.  After the readers recognize that they are projecting their own limitations onto the readee, they can use several psychic techniques for releasing their own self-judgment.  Now, instead of sitting in the energy of judgment, the readers find compassion and understanding.  The readee does not change, the readee is still the same person. But now the readers no longer feel bothered by the person. They can now use their clairvoyance to truly see the person sitting in front of them.  They can go deeper and see what energy is underlying the issue that just moments ago they were blinded from seeing because of judgment.  This leads to even deeper healing and deeper self-love for the readers. 

Compassion helps the readers to see that each and every person who comes in for a reading is seeking the same things that originally led them, themselves, to  come in too. Everyone is seeking spiritual validation.  Validation that they have a right to be here, and a right to spiritual growth, and a right to pursue health and happiness.
So just like in day-to-day life, people you interact with may serve as a mirror for you.When you are in judgment and competition, what you think and feel about someone says more about you than about them.  During the fifteen months of the clairvoyant training, the students get to look into many mirrors. The spiritual growth they experience is phenomenal.  So is the growth of their love for themselves and for others.

Take good care,


Thursday, December 18, 2014

Non-resistance, Neutrality and Amusement: Keys to Spiritual Readings

As I mentioned in yesterday's post, the real purpose of learning how to read is to help someone else on their spiritual path as well as have your own spiritual growth.  Non-resistance, neutrality and amusement are all vital keys for spiritual and psychic readings.  

When you are in resistance to your client, you certainly are not going to be very helpful to them. Whenever you don't like someone, it is never about them, it's about you. There is something about yourself that you don't want to admit, so you project it onto other people. This is true every time. Learning how to read in a safe environment, psychic students have lots of opportunities to notice when they are in resistance to a readee and then they can look deeper within to heal themselves. 

Neutrality is the opposite of judgment. Sitting in judgment is a form of resistance and another instance of projecting your own baggage onto another person. When you are projecting your own stuff, then you will see what you are projecting, and not see the readee's real energies.  The students learn that when they are having any kind of emotional reaction to the client that they have lost their neutrality.  More chances for the readers to heal themselves!

Amusement may be the most important key of all. Students may catch themselves several times during a reading resisting or judging the readee. Our jargon is that they have "matching pictures" or similar life experiences with the readee.  It's best to be amused when this happens, "Boy! This must be my long lost twin, separated at birth!" Then the readers know that that readee is exactly the right person for them to be doing a reading for today. 

Non-resistance, neutrality and amusement are only three of the many psychic tools necessary for doing excellent spiritual readings. If you would like to learn more, you know where to find us!

Have an fun-filled day!

Wednesday, December 17, 2014

The Simplest Way to Learn How to Do Psychic Readings

A simple, no-effort way to do a psychic reading is to use symbols. The very first thing we teach in the clairvoyant program is how to use a symbol of a rose to look at a client's spiritual path. The readers allow an image of a rose to appear while the readee says their name out loud. The different parts of the rose have pre-assigned general meanings.  For example, the openness of the rose represents where the readee is in their current cycle of spiritual growth. A new rose bud represents a new growth challenge (or opportunity) is just starting. A rose that is half way open indicates that the readee is thick in the middle of the growth period.  A rose that appears wide open shows that he or she is finally resolving the issue.

The representations of some of other parts of the rose reading are as follows:
Rose hip = body-spirit communication
Stem length = the length of time that the readee has been reincarnating
Leaves = agreements to have children or take care of other people
Colored rings around the stem = specific past lives the person has had

Using this basic format gives the new students a place to start looking.  Otherwise, they would just sit there and think, "I don't see anything. What the heck am I supposed to be seeing?"  Once they build up some certainty, the readers can use the format for going into some deeper aspects of reading. In going deeper, the readers have to just allow the information to come them. "The rose I see is a tired shade of orange, and I get the feeling that the energy is draining out of it." The client then offers feedback saying whether they've been tired lately, or not. The feedback helps the students to hone their reading skills.

Using this method of reading is the simplest way to start learning how to do a psychic reading. Having a list of elements to look for provides a structure the students can build upon. But learning how to read energy is just the beginning.  The real lesson learned is about spiritual communication. It's about taking the information that is gleaned from reading and presenting it to the readee in a way that validates them and helps them along their spiritual path. The blessings are two-fold. In helping another along the way, the readers soar on their own spiritual paths as well!

Whether you are interested in receiving a Rose Reading, or learning how to do a Rose Reading, all the info is up on our website:

Yours in Spirit,

Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Manifestation: Is it Magic? No....and Yes!

Adults don't believe in magic.  So when I share stories about how I have manifested something I desired, some people look at me with a very funny look on their face.  It's a combination of disbelief, wanting to believe that it is possible in some way and knowing that I wouldn't be lying to them.

Manifestation is not about getting rich, finding Mr. or Mrs. Right, and living happily-ever-after. Instead, it is the process of examining your ingrained thoughts, beliefs and attitudes. As you may already know, it is impossible to change these things just by analytically deciding that you want to change.  But you can learn some very real energy tools that may help you to shift the core of some of your programming (i.e., beliefs you accepted at face value without question). 

Beginning students are amazed at themselves as their first attempts at manifesting work for them.  It takes only a few minutes to learn, but a lifetime to master. It's when you've reached a mastery level that other people perceive and label you as magical because they don't see all the work that you have put into accomplishing it. Just like an Olympic ice-skating performance seems effortless, magical and miraculous; with some practice, so can your life.

If you are interested in learning a few psychic manifestation tools yourself to experiment with, feel free to contact me.  You can make some profound changes, create some miracles for yourself, and leave other people wondering if it's magic!


Monday, December 15, 2014

You're Not Crazy, You're Psychic

It is amazing to me that in this day and age that there are people who are afraid of anything psychic. They have a preconceived idea that not only do psychics know everything you are thinking, but they can also control your mind!  Others associate "psychic" with "crazy."  Psychic and crazy people see things and hear things that normal people don't.  Perhaps these fearful people themselves have seen, heard or felt things that they couldn't understand, so they were afraid that they might become crazy.

Starting to look at and explore your psychic energies and abilities can be scary and make you feel vulnerable.  This is why I have created a safe, grounded space for people to learn about these "mysteries" of life. Most people who come to take classes want to rediscover their psychic abilities that have been closed down.  Other people come because they are already too wide open, seeing and hearing things they don't want to hear and see. These people want to be able to close down their psychic space to a level that feels safer for them.

It is very satisfying to work people who have had mental health issues (they must stay under the care of their doctor while working with us).  It is a great relief for them to receive validation that they are sensitive souls, definitely not crazy. The psychic concepts give them a whole new perspective of their challenges.  The psychic tools teach them ways to manage their energy in ways that work for them.

Whether you need more saneness or control in your life, or more unconventionality to spice up your life, pursuing psychic development classes can positively help you.  To see if they resonate with what you are looking for, check out our classes at

iNSanELy OUt tO luNcH,

Sunday, December 14, 2014

Your Personal Space is Your Sacred Space

Sacred, as define by
1a: dedicated or set apart for the service or worship of a deity
1b: devoted exclusively to one service or use (as of a person or purpose)
2a: worthy of religious venerations: holy
2b: entitled to reverence and respect
3a: unassailable, inviolable
3b: highly valued and important

The first point of the Merriam-Webster definition above is "dedicated or set apart fro the service or worship of a deity." Your life-force energy which animates your body is your divinity, a part of God, Goddess, All-There-Is, Cosmic Consciousness.  You, the Spirit who resides in your body, are divine.

So is your personal space sacred to you? Do you use it in service of yourself?  This means keeping your aura and your body clear so that you can communicate with yourself and know yourself.  It means having a well-define boundary that is "unassailable and inviolable." In addition, it is necessary to keep yourself healthy and whole (i.e., holy).  Doing these things is what connects you into your personal power.  As a Spirit, you can be, do and have everything you desire.  One of the games on this planet is to bring your spiritual information into your body and learn how to be, do and have in the physical world.

To truly know yourself and your own truth, opinions and values, it is necessary to release everyone else's truths, opinions and values out of your space.  The first time that you do this, you may feel empty and lonely. This happened to me during a break-up of my first relationship. I walked for hours thinking over and over, "I have to start thinking for myself. I don't know what to think, but I have to start thinking for myself."

Your personal space is the sacred center of your own universe. You create and interpret your reality from your personal space. It is your birthright to set the rules of your space: who gets to enter and who is denied access.  Many people are unconscious of this and allow their space to be invaded by other people.  They also allow their energy to be scattered or siphoned off.

There are several things you can do to make your space sacred. Meditation, introspection, care of the body, self-nurturing, and learning tools for making energetic separations. Use these activities to fulfill your physical, mental, emotional and spiritual needs. Making these activities into meaningful rituals can help you through your spiritual growth as you turn your personal space into your sacred space.

Divinely yours,                                                        

Friday, December 12, 2014

Your Aura is a Reflection of Your Personal Space

Do you know someone whose presence fills up a room as soon as they enter?  These people have very large, open auras!  Expanding their aura to "own" the room is their way of being in control.  The auras of these people are quite dense and vibrant. This is also known as stage presence. It is a kind of energy that commands your attention.  In general these people thrive on attention and interaction.

It is also possible to have an open aura that is weak and just spread too thinly. You can tell when someone has an aura like this because he or she appears airy, spaced-out or incapable of focusing.  Their space is vulnerable to being invaded by other people and beings without bodies.  They have difficulty setting boundaries or even knowing themselves very well.  

People who are very private or guarded generally hold their auras in close to their bodies.  They may be uncomfortable opening up and sharing space with others.  They can be quite unnoticeable, either consciously or unconsciously.  

The degree to which one's aura is open or closed does not mean that he or she is more or less sensitive, psychic or spiritual.  Everyone has feelings and is sensitive in their own way. However, the health of your aura can correlate to your physical health.  People who are spacey and have weak auras with no clear boundaries generally have trouble focusing enough attention on taking care of themselves.  When their energy leaks out, then they will not have enough life force energy to maintain the body. 

Usually, your aura opens and closes automatically depending on the situation.  When you are around people with whom you are comfortable, your aura opens up.  In new or uncomfortable situations, it closes down.  But you can also deliberately decide how large or small you would like your aura.  The size of your aura also affects your emotional state and your awareness.  Here's an exercise for playing with your aura to find the most comfortable level for you.

Sit in a straight-back chair with both feet on the ground.  Close your eyes and take a deep breath. Send down a beam of energy to the center of the earth to ground yourself.  Use your intuition to see or feel the size of your aura around you.  Does it have any colors or textures?  Now envision, imagine or just intend that you are expanding your aura to be as large as the room.  Does your body or head feel different in any way?  Slowly keep expanding your aura until it is about one mile in diameter.  Do you feel more comfortable or uncomfortable as you do this?  What else do you notice about your energy as you do this?  

Now bring your aura in to be only about two or three inches out from your body.  What does this do to your awareness?  Do you feel more crowded or more focused?  Which size feels the most "natural" to you?  

Even though you may have no desire to be in control of a whole room of people, you can at least be in control of your own aura and personal space.  Practice opening and closing it in different situations and see what happens.  Let me know what you discover!

Warm wishes,

Thursday, December 11, 2014

One Hot Miracle

"A Book of Miracles," 1987, edited by Susan Hull Bostwick of the Deja Vue Book Company, is a collection of some of the psychic experiences of the students of the Berkeley Psychic Institute.  Here is  one of the amazing stories I would like to share with you from this book. 

"I was at the Berkeley Psychic Institute, sitting and running my energy when I had a premonition and heard a very tiny noise from one of the back rooms.  I looked up and saw a reflection of a man in the glass door.  I moved quickly, but not quickly enough, and so I didn't catch up with him until he reached the end of the driveway.  I yelled after him, "I hope you don't have anything that doesn't belong to you."  He turned and said, "No, man.  Check me if you want to, man, go ahead."  Although I kept seeing a picture of my wallet in my head, I didn't see any odd bulges when I looked at his body, and , being a small, blond woman, the thought of frisking such a large man didn't exactly appeal to me.

I went back inside and immediately checked my purse My wallet was gone.  This made me very angry.  So I say down, grounded my wallet, and filled it up with my gold energy and my ownership.  I saw that the wallet was growing very hot in his hands, and he was moving it from hand to hand as if it were burning him.  It made me laugh because I realized why stolen things are called "hot" -- it's because of all the owner's anger.  Now he was looking at the wallet very strangely, like "Oh-oh, what have I done?"  So I grounded him and communicated to his as a spirit.  I told him he could have the money but that he'd better give me back the wallet, identification, checks and credit cards.  I also saw in his aura that he had some fear pictures about voodoo.  I let him know that I knew all about voodoo and how to use it [I was from Trinidad].

When I told him to get my wallet back to me somehow, I thought perhaps he'd drop it in a bush, and that someone would find it and mail it to me.  So imagine my surprise when five minutes later I heard a very timid knock on the front door.  I opened it and there he was towering over me.

As he handed me my wallet I noticed his hands were shaking.  What a miracle!  A thief bringing back what he had stolen!  There really is no such thing as a victim!"   ---P.C.

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Buddha is the Reason for the Season

Well, actually, in the Christian world the saying is "Jesus is the reason for the season."  But Jesus, Buddha, Mohammed, the Dali Llama and others are all avatars: divine teachers or gods in human form.  All of these great souls came to earth to teach others how to be more aware of their own divinity, their own spiritual awareness. They incarnated to teach love and compassion.

Each of these deities' births is honored with a whole month leading up to, or surrounding, a sacred holiday.  Eid Milad-un-Nabi in the third month of the Islamic calendar honors the birth of Mohammad. The holiest Buddhist holiday, Saka Dawa, which occurs in the fourth Tibetan month, observes Buddha's birth, enlightenment and death. And December, of course, is full of advent and other celebrations leading up to Christmas, the most exalted Christian holiday.  I don't know about the cultural traditions of the other two religious holidays, but the deeper meaning of Christmas is greatly overshadowed  by merchants trying to make a living and by our American marketing traditions.

Everyone is aware of the superficial commercialism of the Christmas season. There are many expectations, some of which lead to disappointments. The disappointment is usually because of not feeling emotionally connected to other people. Without connection, the traditions are meaningless.  In order to feel connected to others, you must feel connected to yourself first since your external reality is a reflection of your internal reality.

One way to rediscover or recreate the meaning of Christmas, or any holy-day, is to take the time to rediscover yourself.  You, the Spirit who resides in your body.  Reconnect with yourself and find your own God or Goddess within.  This can be done by meditating, reading spiritual books, going on a nature retreat or even attending a religious service that resonates with you.  Go with the clear intent of creating meaning.  You can even ask for help... from Buddha, Mohammed or Jesus.

Blessings on your journey,

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Laugh Often

One of the most important psychic tools you can use is amusement!  Think back to the last time you had a good belly laugh.  How did you feel during it and afterwards?  For me, it's a combination of joy, expansiveness, ecstacy and aliveness. I find it fascinating that amusement results in an immediate energy shift that is quite noticeable.  Especially when you were in a bad mood just a moment ago.

When you are stressed, your body releases a particular type of hormone which helps with the fight, flight or freeze response.  Your muscles tense up and the body goes into survival mode. Too many stress hormones lead to unhealthy results When you are amused, your body releases hormones which lead to relaxation. You feel more social, present and alive.  These states enhance your psychic and intuitive abilities.

You are most powerful when you are amused. Amusement is the opposite of resistance. When you are amused, negative energy just passes right through you. People cannot get on your nerves. Amusement makes you attractive to other people.  It will help you to appraise situations with clarity and make the best decisions for the highest good of all.

The poignant quotes below are for your enjoyment.

Take good care,

Laughter is the shortest distance between two people.-- Victor Borge

The human race has only one really effective weapon and that is laughter.”-- Mark Twain

What soap is to the body, laughter is to the soul.-- Yiddish Proverb

At the height of laughter, the universe is flung into a kaleidoscope of new possibilities.
-- Jean Houston

A person who knows how to laugh at himself will never cease to be amused. -- Shirley MacLaine

If you're too busy to laugh, you are too busy.  --Proverb

We don't laugh because we're happy – we're happy because we laugh.  --William James

Everybody laughs the same in every language because laughter is a universal connection.
--Jakob Smirnoff

The human race has only one really effective weapon and that is laughter.  --Mark Twain

Monday, December 8, 2014

Who's In Control Around Here Anyway?

When you think about your life, do you see yourself as having to be in control, or as the one who is always being controlled by others?  Do you always have all the details carefully worked and explained to everyone why it is so important to do things your way?  Or are you at the other end of the spectrum and afraid to speak up for yourself?  Of course, most of us are somewhere in between.  Sometimes you need for things to be done your way, and sometimes how it’s done just isn’t important.

Control is a major game on this planet.  If you wish to feel more in control of your life events, or to lessen your need to be so controlling, you can start by looking at how much you are able to control your personal energy and space.  Do you throw your energy around blasting people?  Is it scattered among all of your activities, which leaves you feeling drained?  Do you get angry when someone more controlling than you walks into the room?

How does your level of personal control impact the greater picture of your life?  Your activities and experiences are a direct reflection of your inner world.  How can it be otherwise?!  For example, think of someone you know who leads a very hectic life (it’s always so much easier to see these things in other people!).  This person might believe that all of these overwhelming events are happening to him or her, and therefore he or she responds by feeling frantic and overwhelmed.  But, actually, the reverse is true.  This person thinks and acts frantically, thus sending out frantic energy, which then attracts the experiences to validate his or her feelings and beliefs.  The spiritual lesson here is to first be aware of your thoughts and beliefs which affect the energy that you send out into the universe.

One of the most basic, effective psychic tools for starting to control your energy and space, which you probably have heard about, is grounding.  Sitting down in a comfortable chair with your feet flat on the floor, imagine dropping a giant anchor on a very thick rope or chain all the way down to the center of the earth.  The other end of the rope is attached very firmly to the base of your spine.  You can deliberately send any emotional energy down this grounding cord instead of throwing it around at people.  Grounding also helps to pull you in closer to your body.  It is that first step to learning how to be more spiritually aware in your body.

Your ways of being in control of your life were probably developed as coping mechanisms and have served you in that function. There is no judgment here. This isn't about making yourself change.  But you can increase your awareness of how you operate in the world.  With increased awareness you can make different decisions which will better serve you and the people around you.

If you find my blog postings to be beneficial daily reminders that you are a Spirit expressing through a body, please click on the "Join this site" button.

In gratitude,

Sunday, December 7, 2014

Psychic Awakenings Graduates Move On Up!

Congratulations to the five students who graduated from the Clairvoyant Awareness Program last night!  Each of them has spent a minimum of fifteen months learning how to consciously be aware that she is a spirit expressing through a body.  For the last thirteen months, they been attending classes, workshops and reading sessions two to three times a week.  They have been developing their spiritual practice and using their psychic abilities to help others.

Every one of them has learned that they create their own reality.  As one of them said tearfully last night, "I used to think that I was stuck with my life the way it is, but now I know that I can change it.  And I have."

It wasn't always easy.  Each step along the way meant that they had to release old programming and pain. In the process of releasing this energy, their energetic vibration increased.  They were then able to manifest life situations quicker.  It also meant that for the next "growth period" they would be clearing even deeper programming and pain.  Sometimes it was energy that had been stuck in their energy systems for a few lifetimes.

May they continue on their paths to find their own spiritual freedom.  The freedom to be, do and have anything and everything that they desire.  Amen!

 Elicia, Lisa, Liz, Megan and Sarah

         Posing with the graduates are head hanchas Wendy and Madeline.

Saturday, December 6, 2014

Seeing Pictures In the Aura

We have all seen psychics in movies saying such things as "I see a picture of you in a boat going down a very fast river, but you've lost your oars."  Or "I see a picture of your three brothers standing in front of you and blocking your view."  These "pictures" are bits of energy that people can see using their clairvoyance (French for "clear seeing).  Your thoughts and memories are also bits of energy that can be perceived clairvoyantly. Being able to perceive these pictures is a psychic skill that we are all born with.

Before you learned how to talk, you were able to see pictures.  In addition to this, you were able to create pictures to communicate back with other people.  Dogs and cats communicate with pictures also. They may understand a few of the words you say to them, but mostly they see the pictures, and they feel the energy of how you are saying them.  Once when my cat was pestering me for some food, I said to her, "Go bother Peri (my husband)."  She promptly jumped down, went across the room and jumped up on Peri's lap.  She understood what I meant by seeing the pictures I was showing her.

When children are learning how to read, they start with picture books.  In the very first books, there is very little text and the pictures tell the story.  This is because the children already know how to “read the pictures.” Just as they know how to read the pictures in your aura.  As they make the transition to learning how to read, the books contain fewer pictures and more text.  Then they can read the text really well and don’t need the pictures.  This is about the time that many of them start closing down their ability to read pictures in the aura. 

When you are unconsciously perceiving someone's pictures, then you might react to them negatively with judgement.  You may not even be able to put your finger on exactly what is bothering you about that person.  When you are conscious of the person's pictures, then it is easier to be neutral and compassionate: "Hmmm, this is interesting.  I remind that person of his brother, that's why he's acting strangely towards me."

Here is an exercise for practicing seeing pictures.  Sit across from a friend in straight-back chairs with your feet flat on the floor.  Close your eyes and take a deep breath.  Ground your body energetically by sending a beam of energy down to the center of the earth.  Visualize a movie screen about a foot or two in front of your face.  Have your friend focus on and say the name of another person whom (s)he knows, but whom you do not know.  Just intend for information about that other person to show up as pictures on your screen.  You might see pictures of how the person looks, or pictures about that person's talents, challenges or attitudes.  Take turns with your friend, focusing different on different friends.  You might just surprise each other with what you can see.  It's cheaper than going to a movie!

Friday, December 5, 2014

What Will I Learn in Psychic School?

Psychic Awakenings is a psychic school.  I teach people how to be aware of and use their psychic and spiritual abilities.  Our advanced psychic training program is called the Clairvoyant Awareness Program (CAP).  Students in the CAP learn on several different levels.  The program is more than learning how to do aura readings and energy healings.  It's about increasing your awareness of yourself as a Spirit; and your Spiritual abilities to communicate and create.  When you are not in communication with other living souls, you start to feel very unreal.  Isolation can drive you crazy, and make you sick.  You can create everything you need to keep your body happy, and feel alive in your body.  The aura readings, the energy healings, the developing your psychic abilities are all just means to an end.  And that end is to know yourself, love yourself, and to own your spiritual abilities to create and communicate.   So the students process much spiritual, emotional and personal growth in this class. 

None of the above mentioned goals are achievable unless you are in your body.  My mission is to get you into your body!  That’s how you will find your personal power; by focusing your attention and energy in your body.  You need to ground through your body into planet earth.  Most people are asleep and unconscious all of the time.  They walk around full of other people’s energy and thoughts and demands and expectations that they don’t know who they really are.  They think about who they think they are, but those are just thoughts.  Again, most of these thoughts are other people’s concepts of who you are, or who you should be, or what you should be doing.  Most of these expectations you picked up from your family when you were a little kid.  Thinking does not lead to enlightenment.  Being present, awake and experiencing life does.  So anyway, I get you into your body so you can experience your energy. So you can feel your energy.  So you can experience yourself as a spirit in a body.  That’s how you find your own spiritual freedom and truth.  What is spiritual freedom for you?  What is true for you?

The simplest, most useful and efficient way to be psychic is to be in your body! It's your body that is your sensitive receiver of energy. If you are not focused in your body, then you will not be able to pinpoint the psychic insights or subtle perceptions that your body is picking up on, much less be able to put it into words that will be helpful to someone. Everything we teach at Psychic Awakenings is about being in the body. You, the spirit of that body, can learn how to bring your presence in and inhabit your body! It doesn't matter what visualizations you use to access your clairvoyance, nor what your beliefs are, nor if you spin your chakras right-to-left or left-to-right. Do whatever works for you so that you can easily stay in and own your body and your personal space.  

To sum it up, at psychic school you will learn how to step into your personal power by being in your body.  You will then be able to create more satisfying relationships, careers and better health.  In addition to all this, you might even learn how to read an aura or two.

Warm holiday blessings to you,

Thursday, December 4, 2014

Everything Springs from Self Love

"It's all about falling in love with yourself and sharing that love with others who appreciate you; rather than looking outside yourself for love to compensate for a self love deficit."       Eartha Kitt

You cannot fill a self-love deficit with love from other people.  When you are with another person, you feel great because that person's energy fills your space and any feelings of emptiness.  You identify yourself  through that person.  But when that person goes away, you are left with an empty hole, loneliness, insecurity, back where you started.  Not knowing who you really are without that person.  It is so much better to heal yourself first and fill that hole with your own self-love and energy so that it's not a hole anymore.  You will be whole.  You will know who you are and identify with yourself. No one will be able to take that away from you. 

On a deeper level, relationship, money and career issues are all symptoms of a closed heart. Call it low self-esteem, lack of confidence, insecurity or fear, it's all the same.  As you do the necessary work to heal your heart, you will know what to do to clear up your issues.  Since they are "symptoms" of inner discord, it is natural that they dissolve as your hear heals; sometimes just on their own.  

How do you fall in love with yourself? What would that mean? Does this seem like a foreign concept to you?  Learning to love yourself takes patience because it's a long process.  It takes courage to admit to things about yourself that you might not like. Healing work has to be approached from many directions: self-care for your physical body,  nurturing for your emotions, understanding for your intellect and validation for you as spirit.  

The second part of Eartha's quote is the reward for your inner work: "sharing that love with others who appreciate you."  Sharing without doubts and without playing control games.  You will experience true, authentic, loving connections with others. I know that's what I'm seeking. I know that's what we all are seeking.

Go play in the Light!

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Tarot the Intuitive Way

The seventy-eight cards of the tarot are very rich in symbology and can provide deep insights to your inner world. You may think that it would be a daunting task to memorize the meanings of the cards, and how the meanings are influenced by the cards that surround them in a spread. But you can learn how to read the cards without having to do a lot of memorization!  Just memorizing the cards results in stilted, impersonal readings. Instead, you can discover what each card means to you; and you will learn how to use your intuition to read them.  By combining personal relevance and your inner intuition, the readings you do will be more intimate and personal. 

The best way to derive meanings from the cards is to read several books by different authors.  Each author has a different philosophy about tarot in general, and a different perspective of each card.  There are several methodologies that have been used to derive meanings from the cards: numerology, Jewish mysticism (kabalah), astrology and the tale of the hero's journey.  You can decide which of these methods resonates the most.  By using some elements from each of these methods, you'll be able to provide deeper readings.  It's like "priming the pump."  You absorb the information about the cards, and when it comes time to read, you just relax, clear the communication lines between you and your client, and then use your intuition to give him or her the information that they are seeking. 

For a beginner, reading tarot cards can be easier than reading the aura. The "pictures" are right there in front of you so there shouldn't be any doubt as there might be doing an aura readings.  Just any three cards displayed together can tell twenty different stories. A ten-card tarot spread can tell a thousand different stories. How do you know which story is the right story?  If you have taken the time to ground your psychic space and clear your  spiritual connection with the client, then the right story will just come to you.  

There is no power in memorizing the card meanings. The power is not in the cards. The power is in you and your intention to be of service.

For more help in learning how to read the cards, or to receive a tarot card reading, please email me.

Take good care,

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Have You Read the Comics Today?

They say that a picture is worth a thousand words.  Today I am using several strips from one of my favorite comic which demonstrate people using energy to communicate effectively with those they love!

Amusedly yours,


 Energy Whack:

Energy Whack:


Space Invasion:

Family Programming:

Just for Fun:

Just for Fun: